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have blood test hcg quantitative done, this will give a number, not a neg/pos result . if you had a quant hcg done already dr could compare numbers to see if preg, how far along, or if miscarriage.

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Q: Would a blood test that come back trace positive and then a week later you have your period mean you are not . It started dark brown then went to normal.?
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You could be undernourished. You will not bleed if not taking in enough calories. If you just started your period recently it can be normal to have irregularity. I would go see a doctor to be sure.

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Everyone is different, and sometimes girls may skip a month. If you recently started your period or in this case your period was 4 months ago and it was your first time, that is normal. From my first to second period ever, I went 2 months. Again, everyone is different, and if it reaches 6 months of not having it, I would maybe consider going to the doctor.

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The only way I could see this happening is if you either did normal meth, or started to do one of them.

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if you are young it is naural you and your body is just starting. you shouldn't be worried but if i was you i would keep and eye on it, adventually it will go back to normal

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A pregnancy test would still be positive even if you were still getting your period

What does it mean when you have spots of blood for 3 days then your normal period for 2 day?

When you have spots of blood for 3 days and then your normal period for 2 days, it might not mean anything. It depends on how old you are and if you have had made any major changes to your lifestyle recently. It would be normal for your period to be like that if they had just started, if you were taking birth control pills or if you were starting the menopause. If you had recently gained or lost a lot of weight, this can also affect your periods.