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Q: Would a forest fire happen after secondary succession?
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What would be followed by secondary succession?

Primary succession. Follow the answer to "What is secondary succession?".

What types of things can lead to secondary succession?

Secondary succesion occurs naturally after an ecosystem was previously disrupted. Like after a forest burns down, secondary succesion would occur to fix it.

What would form a stable community faster primary or secondary succession?

Secondary succession will form a stable community faster. During primary succession the pace of succession remains slower.

Why would a community undergo secondary success?

the stages of secondary succession are very similar to the stages of primary succession, except that soil already exists in the area

Is grass a primary or secondary succession?

its neither and both... secondary succession merely means that the areas life was destroyed and is growing again... you would have to know the history of the area.

What kind of succession occurs following a flood?

it depends on if the primary succession succeeds and is basically depending on whether anything that happens that could make it be in a state that it would for example burn down that would make it happen

Secondary succession begins with an area where?

Secondary Succession refers to the reintroduction of a community to an area that has previously supported life. Reintroduction may have to happen because a wild fire, flood or earthquake has completely destroyed life in this ecosystem. Secondary succession reaches a climax community quicker than in primary succession because spores and seeds of plants may remain in the soil. Whereas in primary succession this would all take time to come about. Just remember any type of succession starts with increasing the biomass of vegetation so that more life can be supported and more food chains evolved.

What would happen to an area at the end of succession?

A climax community would form

What are examples of secondary succession in tundra?

well an example of secondary succession would be,if a big amount of snow covered a cave, and if the chunk of snow fell and slid down the mountain, that would mean the cave is uncovered, and an animal can live their. BIG BROTHA OPINIONS!!!!!

What would be the characteristics of a successful pioneer species in a secondary succession?

Primary succession is one of two types of biological succession and ecological succession of plant life. It occurs in an environment in which new substrate is devoid of vegetation and usually lacking soil.

What is the similarity between primary and secondary succession?

Primary succession occurs on land that is new and has never had a flora and fauna example: glacier retreats, lava flows. Secondary succession occurs on land that has been cleared example: by fire, of flora and fauna, but which still has viable seeds and spores in the soil.

Which type of event would cause succession farming volcanic eruption mining or tornado or hurricane?

Any of these can cause succession. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and farming would result in secondary succession. Mining would result in primary succession. A volcanic eruption could result in either depending on whether or not the soil was destroyed or covered by lava flows.