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No, Hurricanes are called typhoons in the east. So in Japan a hurricane would be called a typhoon.

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Q: Would a hurricane in Mexico be a typhoon?
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What is an typhoon?

An Atlantic typhoon is called a hurricane. They generally form in the eastern Atlantic Ocean but sometimes form in the Gulf of Mexico.

What is an Atlantic typhoon?

An Atlantic typhoon is called a hurricane. They generally form in the eastern Atlantic Ocean but sometimes form in the Gulf of Mexico.

Would a hurricane cause more destruction or a typhoon?

Hurricane and typhoon are two names for the same kind of storm, which is known scientifically as a tropical cyclone.

Is hurricane Katrina a typhoon or a cyclone?

A hurricane is a type of cyclone, so that's what Katrina would have been. A typhoon is the same thing as a hurricane, only occurring in the western Pacific Ocean.

Was there a hurricane Rex?

Yes, there was Typhoon Rex in 1998. A typhoon is essentially the same thing as a hurricane.

Why would you never hear of a typhoon in cuba?

The term typhoon is reserved for intense tropical cyclones occurring in the western Pacific ocean. Such a storm occurring in the Atlantic basin, including the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, is called a hurricane.

What is the general term of a typhoon?

Typhoon is the Japanese word for a hurricane

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What is tropical cyclone in western Atlantic called?

a tropical storm.. if it was a hurricane-status in the atlantic, it would be called a typhoon.

What hurricane has lasted the longest?

The current record is Hurricane John in 1994. John started as a tropical wave of the coast of Africa and was followed into the Pacific ocean. There in the Eastern Pacific off the coast of Mexico, it turned into a hurricane and reached Catagory five before going into the Western Pacific then turning into a Typhoon. Typhoon John then did a oval track before returning into the Central Pacific. It traveled over 13000 Km (making it the second "farthest traveled") and lasted as a tropical storm/hurricane/typhoon for 31 days making it the "Longest Duration Hurricane/Typhoon"

Is there a hurricane amber?

There was a typhoon Amber in 1997. A typhoon is a hurricane that occurs west of the International Date Line and north of the equator.

What is the difference between cyclones typhoon and hurricane?

The only difference between a hurricane, a cyclone, and a typhoon is the location where the storm occurs.