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You never know, but opposites usually attract. As long as they both make time for each other and work at their relationship they might have something quite special.

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Q: Would a kind of shy kind of quiet guy be good in a relationship with a outgoing girl who has a lot going on in her world but she says she loves you?
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This would USUALLY end up being in a relationship, however, before going around stating that one loves the other, I would make sure the feelings are true, at least going out for a week or so (sometimes longer) and see what the relationship is like, after that I would decide between the two how it went and go from there.

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He isn't. If he will go out with her, it would be because she loves him, and he loves her too.

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just ruin their relationship and then be there for the boy hahahaha jk

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Yes he is currently going out with a girl in Maryland . &' she loves him sooo muchh ! ;p

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just be honest , and try to explain to the girle how loves you that you already have a relationship , tell her that you respect her more because she told you the thru , but you are not going to respect yourself if you let go you girlefriend .

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It mostly depends on how your relationship ended an do you still have feelings for them heart will always come through for you but you are going to go through a very hard and painful time to figure it out

When a girl loves u does she play with u often?

It really depens on the type of girl she is. If she is outgoing she would. if she is shy she might not. Be careful not to get confused with 'just friends' and more than that.

What if he got a girl pregnant but still loves you?

I don't think he loves you that much. If he did, he would never have gone out with someone else. Do you really want to start a relationship with someone that is burdened by a child? It will be a part of your life as well, which means that the other woman is also going to be a part of your life, like it or not.

If you love this guy and you know he loves you to but he also loves his ex and is trying to get back with her.. but he is confused on what to do what should you do?

you're not going to get a very committed relationship out of a guy who doesn't know what he wants. give him some time.