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Maybe, but he really has no right to care.

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Q: Would a married man get jealous if his ex mistress starts to wear her engagement ring again that his now ex friend gave her awhile ago?
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How does a married man act when he's interested in you?

Most married men who cheat on their wives at first enjoy the affection and attention of someone younger than themselves and as the relationship goes on the man becomes either bored and you can be sure that he has a lot more invested in his wife (the house; properties in some cases; business ventures in both their names and children to consider) so, the 'other woman' (aka: Mistress) is simply nothing but a sex toy to be used at the married man's discretion. Younger women should not fall for a married man that cries his woes 'my wife doesn't understand me' (or any other excuse) and date only single young men. A high percentage of married men go back to their wives and if per chance the wife finds out and divorces him he is not likely to tie himself up with his mistress or any other woman for awhile.