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A narcissist knows nothing about love. That word does not exist for these monsters. They leave a realtionship for a variety of reasons. Like for one: They are not getting enough attention from the spouse. Remember it is all about them. They have no feelings and never have so they they can't relate to feelings. They leave a realtionship for sex, because they may not be getting what they want from their spouse. Keep in mind, they simply only care about themselves not about anyone around them. Sometimes it takes several people to possibly please them or provide them with enough Narcissitic supply (food source for them)and if what they want hurts someone they could care less.They are emotional vampires. If you are with one run as fast as you can away or you will end up emotionally drained and broken hearted. There is no cure for these freaks. Mine left over 50 times in 5 years...but he ALWAYS return because he does know I love him and I can remind him of his accomplishments unlike a new partner. So they'll leave but not really cut off contact because we are their supply.

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Q: Would a narcissist leave a relationship if he truly believed the person loved him?
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It's difficult to prove a negative. If a narcissist finds out some of those characteristics, all he has to do is be a good actor. Not being a narcissist is the only quality one could have to prove one is not a narcissist. There is no act a person can perform or one thing a person can do that would prove once and for all that the person is not and never has been and never will be a narcissist. Yet all the same, if you are not a narcissist, other people will recognize this fact, just as if you are, that too will come to light. Empathy. Narcissist's do not posess it nor do they understand it.

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