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YES!!! They of course would do this. The one I was with made me feel (through odd comments, manipulation and lies, headgames) that I was barely loveable and that any minute he might bail. He would make me feel all the time (except during honeymoon stage) that at any minute he would dump me. He made me feel awfull. He told me I was weird and crazy when I would show any insight. He was horrible. This guy is doing that to you. Hes an abuser. Sounds like an abuser. check out: Naccissists rarely entertain thoughts of suicide, especially when it comes to leaving a person - they just leave. This person sounds like they have some serious problems. You could tell him it's his choice - either leave or commit suicide - just as long as he gets out of your life. I know, that sounds cruel, but spineless manipulators who blame people for everything that is wrong in their life need to be given the boot and pronto.

ANSWER This is EXACTLY what the narcissist in my life does. We have been together just over a year. I really am just trying to get the courage to bail out of the relationship, but don't want to be lonely all over again. Anyway... yes, he is constantly telling me he wants to comit suicide. On the other hand he constantly tells me he wants rid of me as well, but if I try to end it, he comes crawling back every time, crying how much he has missed me. I am meant to jump and return calls, texts, etc. immediately, yet he can leave me dangling for whole days. it's all just control. Like your narcissist, mine doesn't really care what attention he's getting, good or bad, just as long as it's attention! Start believing that it's his fault, NOT your's! (And yes, I know I need to heed my own advice!!)

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Q: Would a narcissist stay with you for ten years and then turn around and tell you he will kill himself if he has to stay with you and make you feel like everything wrong in his life is your fault?
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