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In the case that this is an essay question: A weak foolish king COULD be omnipotent, but it would depend on how much power his subjects gave him. if he were weak of the mind then he probably could be easily coerced into doing pretty much anything, especially if he was being led around by someone he loved or trusted. If i were making a case on how he couldn't be omnipotent then this is how it would play out in typical five paragraph form:

Paragraph 1: Some introduction or grabber, or a link to real world history. State opinion about the question. the three reasons for this.

paragraph 2: reason 1:his foolishness could lead to the suspension of his powers as king by someone, or his kingdom being conquered by a smarter royal.

paragraph 3:Reason 2:He could be probably be led around without him knowing of it.

Paragraph four: Reason 3:He would gain many haters from his stupidity, in which case he might get murdered, in which case he wouldn't he wouldn't be omnipotent.

Paragraph 5: restate thesis. Give final arguments. End with climatic sounding end phrase.

if this a vocab question, say no.

if this didn't help you at all, then at least you have the guidelines for an essay! (yay!)


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Q: Would a weak foolish king be an omnipotent ruler?
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