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Yes. You shouldn't eat for 12 hours before a lipid profile.

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Q: Would eating before a cholesterol blood test make the levels higher then they really are?
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What does not affect cholesterol levels heredity blood type eating low-fat foods or exercise?

Blood type does not affect cholesterol levels. Heredity, eating low-fat foods, and exercise all do affect cholesterol levels.

Does eating foods with high cholesterol raise blood cholesterol levels?

Foods are a common source of cholesterol, especially eggs. A diet rich in cholesterol can lead to high levels of it.

Which foods have the highest levels of cholesterol?

The best food to avoid to lower your cholesterol is "fast food". Things that have been deep fried are sure to make you cholesterol higher. Try eating home cooked meals more often.

Which statement is not true?

The body does not make enough cholesterol.

How can someone get their cholesterol levels back to normal?

Eating a low cholesterol diet can help reduce cholesterol levels. Alternatively a person can exercise more or quit smoking in order to lower their levels. As a last resort a doctor may prescribe a drug to help lower the cholesterol levels.

What is hypercholesterolaemia?

Higher than normal levels of cholesterol in blood.

What is hypercholesterolem?

levels of cholesterol in the blood that are higher than the norm

Why are blood cholesterol levels higher in people with blood group A and AB?

Blood Cholesterol levels are dependent on many factors of which antigen 'a' is one. Antigen 'a' is present only in blood groups A and AB. Hence, blood cholesterol levels are higher in individuals with blood groups A and AB.

Can coffee and splenda intake before a blood test effect cholesterol levels?

No, coffee and Splenda will not affect cholesterol levels.

How could you change your cholesterol levels?

stop eating u fat mexican

Are low cholesterol levels and high cholesterol levels as bad as each other?

It is easier to raise your cholesterol if its too low rather than lower it. So based on that I would say that higher cholesterol is worse than too low.

Does calamari have a high cholesterol?

Yes. Regardless of cooking method, calamari itself has higher levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.