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This question is meaningless, it is missing punctuation. But the answer of the question "Would having only a birth certificate be absolute proof of citizenship, in the US, if your father was not a citizen and your mother did not meet the requirements for citizenship?" would be no. For example, Czech birth certificates have nothing to do with US citizenship.

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Q: Would having a birth certificate only be absolute proof of citizenship in US if father was not a citizen mother did not meet requierment for citizenship?
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How can a person verify us citizenship?

If you are a US citizen by birth to US citizen parents you would have to file the Form N-600 to get the Certificate of Citizenship as proof for US citizenship. Else after successful completion of naturalization process a naturalization certificate would be given as proof for US citizenship.

What a citizenship certificate number?

A citizenship certificate number is the number that is provided to you on your citizen naturalization paper. This is a unique identification number that is equivalent to the social security number given to citizens born in the country.

Where does the citizenship ceremony take place?

citizen ceromony is when foriegh people become austarlia

Which document guarantees your personal rights as a us citizen?

The United States Constitution. As proof of being a US citizen, if you are a US citizen by birth right you would get the citizenship certificate as proof for citizenship. In case you naturalized you would be given the naturalization certificate as proof for US citizenship.Using the USCIS Form N-600 you could apply for a certificate or Form N-565 to replace a lost or stolen one. This certificate is best proof of your US citizen status.

What is a naturalization certificate?

Naturalization: The process by which a green card holder becomes a United States citizen. Generally, a person is eligible for naturalization when he or she has had a green card for the appropriate. Naturalization Certificate: A certificate issued by the United States government attesting to a former alien's status as a US citizen.

You are an American citizen and your son was born in England to a British mother. Is your son an American citizen?

The American parent should apply for a "certificate of birth abroad" for the child at the nearest US mission. The certificate acts as a certificate of US citizenship.

What are the types of citizenship?

There is one and only category that is US citizen. Through the naturalization process using the USCIS Form N-400 or as citizen by birth to US citizen parent the citizenship can be obtained.The Form N-600 can be used to obtain the US citizenship certificate as proof for citizenship.

How do you get an Australian passport?

the only way to get an Australian passport is to be born in Australia or to be a naturalised australin citizen. you must have an original copy of your birth certificate or citizenship certificate.

Do carry a green card if you are a US citizen?

Not required because only after you hand over your green card at the time of oath taking for US citizenship you are given the citizenship certificate.

If you were born in the US when and how do you decide to be an American Citizen?

If your birth certificate was filed in the United States of America then you are automatically an American citizen. If you also claim citizenship with another country, the United States government asks that you choose your citizenship to one or the other.

Can my citizenship be takes away if i was deported when i was a minor with my parents?

No once you are a citizen you are a citizen. Now, you may have to prove you are a citizen through your birth certificate. If you don't have a copy, but know where you were born you can write to the city and its hall of records for a copy. For a small fee they will send a copy to you and you can use that to help prove your citizenship.

What is the suffix FOR citizen?
