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hotter. That is one main reason in global warming

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Q: Would it be hotter or colder if the atmosphere had more carbon dioxide?
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Does more heat mean more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The more carbon dioxide the hotter the planet gets. The hotter the planet gets the more wild fires happen. For every fire that occurs more carbon dioxide is released.

Which planet has a thick atmosphere which is mainly composed of carbon dioxide?

The atmosphere of Venus is the layer of gases surrounding Venus. It is composed primarily of carbon dioxide and is much denser and hotter than that of Earth.

Why is the earth experiencing the Greenhouse effect?

When fossil fuels are used, the release carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere and that causes the Earth to get hotter.

What is the atmosphere for veinus?

The atmosphere for Venus is hotter and denser than that of the earth. Venus is made up of 96% of carbon dioxide and the remaining content is mostly nitrogen.

What happens when the atmosphere has a higher percentage of carbon dioxide and lower oxygen?

The Earth will become hotter as carbon dioxide traps heat to keep the Earth warm. But too much carbon dioxide will cause the Earth to be more warm and that lead to global warming.

Which planet is hotter than Mercury has a longer period of rotation than revolution and has an atmosphere of about 97 percent carbon dioxide?


Why is Venus hotter than Mercury even though its closer to the sun?

Because Venus Has A Thick Atmosphere Made Of Carbon Dioxide And Mecury Has A Very Thin Atmosphere

Would you get hotter or colder as you went higher up in the atmosphere?

Upto Ozon Layer it get colder and then start increasing the temperature.......

Why is Venus hotter than Mercury even though it is further from the sun?

it is hottter because venus has the greenhouse affect

Why does CO2 destroy the atmosphere?

It doesn't really "destroy the atmosphere", Carbon Dioxide traps solar radiation, if there is too much solar radiation being trapped, then the earth becomes much hotter, hence global warming.

What do the humans do to affect the Arctic tundra?

Well, one of the answers to that question is our pollution. The smoke and carbon dioxide that is released from things such as factories and cars rise up into the atmosphere and get trapped. Usually when the Sun's heat reaches the Earth it bounces back into space to keep the climate at a comfortable temperature, but with the carbon dioxide the Sun's heat gets into the atmosphere but can't get out, so the atmosphere keeps getting hotter and hotter which is melting the ice and snow in places such as the arctic tundra. This is known as the "greenhouse effect".

How much hotter is the earth since the levels of carbon dioxide went up?

the earth is much hotter like 100%