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  • Unfortunately, cheating is about sneaking and some people are very adept at it (an art form) so it can be very difficult to determine if a spouse is having an affair. There are two ways to know for sure; follow them with a female family friend or hire a detective. There are some signs, but it's second guessing: saying they are working late (this is possibly true and just because you can't reach them doesn't mean they aren't at work); if a friend should see your spouse with another woman at a restaurant and your husband is in a line of business where he has clients then it could be nothing more than a business meeting. If your husband is ignoring you or your sex life has taken a fall your husband could be over-tired; depressed; worried about finances, etc. It is better to work on good communication skills than second guess a situation.
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Personally, I think that if you knew the warning sign that your spouse may be cheating on you is first of all look for any clues. Look for any signs of too much phone talking, too much texting, always out, etc. If you knew the signs of your spouse cheating on you it would probably be best to just confront him and let him know and make sure that the evidence towards him is correct and that you are not falsely accusing him of something he didn't do. HINT: check his cellphone such as his text messaging, phone calls, etc. HOPE THIS HELPS :)y

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Q: Would it help if you knew the warning sign that your spouse is having an affair?
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Can you sue your spouse for having an affair?

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Will your spouse have an affair to because you were caught?

yes i think she would

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Having an affair can be emotionally devastating for one's spouse. So, it is not surprising that a person's spouse would ignore them after they learned of an affair. To make a marriage work following infidelity, both parties need to be willing to work it out, and they should likely attend couple's therapy.

How will you feel if your spouse compared you to his affair partner?

No woman would want to be compared to their spouse's affair partner. When a spouse does this they are getting even for having to stay with their spouse. It hurts and cuts deeply when the cheating spouse makes comments about how much better their affair partner was. Take control and let your spouse know immediately you are not going to put up with their childish behavior and if their affair partner is so great then tell him/her (no matter how hard it is for you) that you will file for divorce as you deserve better.ANSWER:It will be a pleasure to answer this question because it did happened to me personally. When I discovered my husband's affair, I had found out that his not only admired this woman but he fell in love with her. And that is why he compared me to his "friend" aka mistress. The day he compared me to her was the day that I know, no matter how much we wanted to rebuild the relationship it will not work with me anymore. I will not be the second choice after his affair..

You were caught having an affair would your spouse have an affair to?

You should be more worried about how your hurt your spouse and not whether they would have an affair on you. Cheating is cheap and disrespectful. If one is unhappy with their spouse they should have the guts to communicate the fact and either seek marriage counseling or separate for awhile so both parties can clear their head. If they come to the conclusion they do not make each other happy then get a divorce and become free to date. It's possible your spouse now feels free to have an affair of their own simply because you have broken their heart, but most would just walk away from their cheating spouse and move on in their life. They deserve better!ANSWER:From my own personal experience what I did was use towards me so when the man I married had the affair, he told me from his own words, " what about what you did first?" So I guess i will say yes

How will you feel if your spouse emotional affair leads to a separation?

You would probably feel sad.

Is their an affair going on your spouse is sending and receiving email from a former boss who has left the company three years ago she deletes them all the talk on cell phone she deletes the numbers?

It appears that an affair can be going on because if your spouse was just keeping in touch with a boss they happened to like as a friend then the spouse would have no problem asking them home for dinner and introducing you to them. The fact your spouse is deleting emails and any cell phone calls means your spouse is hiding something. It is time to sit down with your spouse and ask them straight out if they are having an affair and if they deny it then tell them you are not putting up with deleted emails and cell phone calls.

Would you know if your boyfriend was having an affair?

That depends on YOU. If you question that you would know that or not, than your boyfriend very possibly could be having an affair and you not know about it.

How do you cope if your spouse still has to interact with the woman he had an affair with?

The only reason your spouse would have to interact with the woman he had an affair with is if they are in a workplace environment and unfortunately, there is nothing much you can do about this, but to tell your husband if he slips one more time you are filing for divorce.

What are signs your wife is cheating?

If you would just take a moment to look and listen, there are warning signs that are staring you right in the face. Below are the five most common signs that your wife or girlfriend might be having an affair, or at least is in danger of having one. She doesn

Should a person begin to think their spouse is having an affair if they make a person feel invisible and constantly give hateful answers and degrading looks at their spouse?

Not necessarily. An affair doesn't always cause the spouse to be mean like that. A marraige that is falling apart would cause that. When a spouse is cheating, the last thing they want to do is be mean and suspicious. They want to act normal and even nice so the other doesn't suspect anything. For your marraige: time for counceling. If you want to save this marraige, make an appointment and go (if your spouse wont go, then go alone to see what you can do to save the marraige).

Should you go talking with the person who your partner having affair with?

If your partner is having an affair you should be having a conversation with them. You cannot place blame on the other person as they may have been lied to and may be the single one where as your partner is the one in a relationship, made the conscious decision to have an affair and is the one who is cheating on you. We tend to want to blame the "other" person when in fact the blame should be placed on your spouse. I can understand why you would want to but it would serve no purpose confronting the other individual and would just cause undo stress. If you plan on forgiving this individual you should talk to your partner and consider going to counselling together.