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Q: Would it take longer to cook 4 ducks than 1?
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How can I Cook chili faster with chunks of meat or ground meat?

ground meat because it can cook to the inside faster and if it was whole then it would take a longer time to cook !:)

Would a thick cake cook faster than a thin cake if the fat cake is closer to the oven?

A cake can only cook if it is in an oven. And a thicker cake would take longer to cook than the thin cake would.

Why does it take pasta longer to cook when there isn't much water?

Because it should cook in lots of water.

How many ducks would it take to lift an elephant?

The number of ducks required to lift an elephant is dependent upon the strength of the ducks and the weight of the elephant,

How does amount affect the rate of cooking?

Generally the higher the amount then the longer it will take to cook.

Does the method of cooking a potato affect the potato?

If you cooked it in the oven, it would take longer to cook than in the microwave. I think that is the only way the potato is affected.

Would a fox take a duck in the day?

Yes. I had my two ducks taken in daylight by a fox, just this week and just an hour, I heard my female ducks quaking really loud and went to the back door and there it stood,by the pond, watching my ducks in the water. If my ducks wouldn't have beenin the water, I would be missing more of my ducks.

Can you cook raw meat and vegetables together?

As long as you cook the meat thoroughly (because it may take longer to cook than the veggies, depending on thickness), it should be safe.

Can you bbq frozen ribs?

You probably could, but since ribs take longer to cook anyway, it would take a lot longer if they are frozen. The best way to barbecue frozen ribs would be to boil them until they thaw and cook long enough to turn a grayish color. Remove them from the boiling water, drain them and then lay them on the grill. Baste and turn them often until they are done.

Why does it take food longer to cook at higher elevations?

At higher elevations the boiling point is lower.

Why was the microwave such a great idea?

it made foods cook for less time.Like popcorn would have to be made by the fire and it could take longer than putting into the microwave for 10 minutes.

At what temperature do you cook a frozen cooked ham in the oven?

yes, it will take longer to recook.