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The solubility of cholesterol in methanol is 0.014. 2-propanol would be a better solvent than methanol for the extraction of cholesterol from egg yolk.

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Q: Would methanol be a better or poorer solvent for extraction of cholesterol from egg yolk compared to 2-propanol?
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Is methanol good solvent for extraction?

No, due to two reasons 1- edible oils are not soluble in methanol,2- methanol is a poisoness liquid.

What is the role of methanol in the extraction of chlorophyll?

Methanol is commonly used as a solvent in the extraction of chlorophyll because it is highly polar and can effectively dissolve chlorophyll from plant material. Additionally, methanol helps to break down cell walls and release chlorophyll into the solvent, making it easier to extract. After extraction, methanol can be evaporated to leave the chlorophyll behind.

How do you separate methanol from surfactants?

There are a number of methods that can be used to separate methanol from surfactants. The most effective method is extraction of the cationic surfactants by contracting the mixture with water.

Why you are using methanol and chloroform in lipid extraction?

Methanol is used to help dissolve lipids in the sample, while chloroform is used to extract lipids from the sample. The combination of these two solvents is commonly used in lipid extraction techniques to ensure efficient lipid recovery.

Is water heavier than methanol?

No, water is heavier than methanol. Water has a higher density compared to methanol, which means that for the same volume, water will weigh more than methanol.

Why are methanol and ethanol not used for extractions?

Methanol and ethanol have low selectivity in extractions, meaning they can dissolve a variety of compounds, making it difficult to isolate target compounds. Additionally, they have high levels of toxicity, which can make them unsafe for use in extractions that involve human consumption or contact with biological materials. Lastly, methanol and ethanol can form azeotropes with water, making it challenging to completely remove them from the extracted solution.

Why is the enthalpy change of combustion for methanol less negative than methane?

The enthalpy change of combustion for methanol is less negative than methane because methanol contains oxygen in its molecular structure, which results in a partial oxidation during combustion, leading to a lower heat release per mole compared to methane. Additionally, the presence of more carbon-hydrogen bonds in methane compared to methanol contributes to a higher enthalpy change of combustion for methane.

Why is methanol more acidic than water?

Methanol is more acidic than water because the methoxide ion formed after the loss of a proton from methanol is more stable than the hydroxide ion formed from water due to the higher electronegativity of oxygen compared to carbon. This stability makes it easier for methanol to donate a proton, thus exhibiting greater acidity.

Why you put methanol with a sample in the brown bottles?

Methanol is often used to extract chemicals or compounds from a sample because of its ability to dissolve a wide range of organic and inorganic substances. Brown bottles are typically used to store methanol due to its light sensitivity, as exposure to light can cause degradation. Combining methanol with a sample in a brown bottle helps protect the sample from degradation and allows for efficient extraction of target compounds.

Which temperature for methanol to use in soxhlet extractor?

The temperature for methanol in a Soxhlet extractor is typically around its boiling point, which is approximately 64.7°C. This allows the solvent to continuously boil, vaporize, condense, and drip back into the thimble containing the sample to ensure efficient extraction. It is important to maintain this temperature range throughout the extraction process for optimal results.

Is Methanol a more cohesive liquid than water?

Yes, methanol is generally considered to be a more cohesive liquid than water. This is because methanol has a lower surface tension and higher vapor pressure compared to water, leading to stronger intermolecular forces that promote cohesion.

What is the rate of evaporation of methanol?

The rate of evaporation of methanol can vary based on factors such as temperature, surface area, and presence of air flow. In general, methanol has a faster evaporation rate compared to water due to its lower boiling point. Factors such as humidity and pressure can also influence the rate of evaporation.