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It will depend on the specific laws of the state. It could be considered perjury and it can affect property rights.

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Q: Would not stating all prior marriages on a marriage license be considered null?
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What areNevada laws on interstate compacts and marriage?

Laws such as Marriage laws are universally mutually recognized, by every US state regardless of what state or country the marriage was performed in. NOTE: Currently, an exception may be if a specific law was passed by the state legislature stating that so-called "gay" marriages are not legal or recognized in the state.

What does Jessie Bernard mean when she states that there are two marriages present within one marriage?

She is stating that even though its one couple and one marriage, each one sees their role in their marriage differently. While one might think a certain way about an idea or event that happened the other might see it another way.

What is used in stating a woman's maiden name?

Her surname before marriage.

Is same-sex marriage legal in South Africa?

Yes, same sex couples can get married in South Africa. There is specific national legislation to enable same-sex marriages. Once married, the same-sex couple are legally treated identically to a heterosexual married couple, including all the childcare, divorce and inheritance provisions. South Africa recognizes three types of marriage and has enabling legislation for each. Heterosexual marriages, same-sex marriages and traditional marriages which include polygamy are recognized. . Gay couple can legally marry in South Africa. Though the Civil Union Bill originally passed to legalize gay marriage was repeatedly challenged in court, it was never repealed. Civil and religious leaders with objections to same-sex marriage, however, are permitted to not perform the ceremonies after stating their objections to the state.

Does New Mexico State Attorney General Gary King support or oppose same-sex marriage?

He apparently supports it. On January 4, 2011, Mr. King issued an opinion stating that out-of-state same-sex marriages are legally valid under New Mexico law.

Will insurance cover accident with suspended license?

Probably not. I am certain that somewhere in your policy there's a clause stating that you can not drive while your license is suspended.

Are same-sex civil unions legal in Louisiana?

No, civil unions are banned and not legally recognized in Louisiana.Constitutional AmendmentLouisiana Constitutional Amendment 1 (2004) was passed on September 18, 2004 with 78% of the vote stating that marriages were only between a man and a woman and that other unions are prohibited from being legally recognized or having the same rights as marriages. StatuteArticle 89 of the Louisiana Civil Code forbids marriage between members of the same sex. Article 96 denies purported same-sex marriages to the same legal civil rights. Article 3520 says same-sex marriage is against Louisiana's public policy.

Can you get married and receive a marriage certificate with the same person in all 50 states?

It's technically possible, though you may have to lie when you sign the license (stating that you are not married). But it's not a huge crime, and in fact, there'd be virtually no reason to prosecute you if you were caught.

What is stating your position?

Stating your position is how you say what your opinion is on a subject. For example, people will state their position on gay marriage or abortion during a debate (being for or against the subject).

Can a woman get married using an alias?

I dont see how someone can get married with an alias name since you have to provide proof of who you are etc., Unless that person had stolen someones identity there is no way this can be done. An applicant on a marriage license swears that the information provided is true. If it's not then the application, and anything that follows, is invalid. However, if the other party wants to undo that marriage they would need to obtain a court order stating the application was invalid.

What is a constructive speech stating that same-sex marriage should be legalized in the Philippines?

Yes it should.Gays are awesome

Is there an amendment stating that marriage is between a man and a woman?

No, it does not. That is why statues such as DOMA have been struck down. State laws banning gay marriage have been found unconstitutional.