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Awesome catch! CO2 is produced in very massive amounts by dead plants. As a interesting note, dead and decaying plants produce far more CO2 then man. Many time that of man!

Man produces about 2 to 5% of all CO2. The rest is created by nature. Most of this by plants and animal life that are decaying.

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Q: Would plants increase CO2 in the air?
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How is co2 in the air useful to plants?

The plants use CO2 from air for photosynthesis. The air entering into its leaves through stomata comes in contact with photosynthetic cells and diffuse CO2 for assimilation to form carbohydrates.

Why would an increase in CO2 cause a plant to grow faster?

An increase in CO2 concentration can stimulate photosynthesis in plants, leading to faster growth. This is because CO2 is a key component in the process of photosynthesis, where plants use sunlight to convert CO2 into sugars for energy. With more CO2 available, plants can produce more carbohydrates and grow faster.

When will the air be full of carbon dioxide such that humans would not take in enough oxygen?

The air contains around 0.04% CO2. Plants absorb carbon dioxide, ehich they use in photosynthesis. Without the plants, there would be no life on earth. Algae also absorb CO2 to make their food. Without both the plants abd the algae, both the atmosphere and hydrosphere (seas and oceans) would be anoxic.

What will happen if the build up of carbon dioxide in the air is a lot faster than the rate of consumption of the plants?

If the build-up of carbon dioxide exceeds the rate at which plants can consume it, it can lead to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. This can result in the greenhouse effect intensifying, leading to global warming and climate change. It may also disrupt ecosystems and impact plant growth and biodiversity.

Where do plants obtain the carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis?

Plants get Carbon Dioxide from the air, or actually, from animals and people that breath it into the air. Because plants produce Oxygen, animals and humans breath in the Oxygen, and breath out CO2, into the air. So, plants use this element in photosynthesis.

Related questions

How do you increase amount of carbon dioxide in greenhouse?

Simplest would be to remove any plants from the greenhouse, then spend some time in there yourself. Plants remove CO2 from the air, while your breathing would introduce CO2 into the air. If you are dead set on keeping your plants in the greenhouse (weird, I know), then most things that burn or decompose will add some form of CO2 to the air. Out of curiousity; why would you want higher levels of CO2?

How plants help to maintain the percentage of gases in air?

They reduce CO2 and increase O2.

How do plants help in maintaining the percentage of gases in air?

They reduce CO2 and increase O2.

What takes co2 out of the air?

Plants help remove CO2 from the air through the process of photosynthesis. Additionally, the oceans absorb and store large amounts of CO2, acting as a carbon sink. Some processes involving chemical reactions or technology can also capture and store CO2 emissions from the air.

How do plants help to maintain the percentage of gases in air?

They reduce CO2 and increase O2.

How is co2 in the air useful to plants?

The plants use CO2 from air for photosynthesis. The air entering into its leaves through stomata comes in contact with photosynthetic cells and diffuse CO2 for assimilation to form carbohydrates.

How do people increase CO2 in the air?

by breathing out

Does increase in CO2 increase or decrease respiratory rate?

CO2 WILL increase your respiratory rate as you are needing to breathe in more air (oxygen) to breathe.

What would happen if CO2 in air increases?

Too much carbon dioxide would cause a greenhouse effect, the Earth would trap all the heat from the sun killing all the plants and life on Earth. The Earth would become like the planet Venus. Just the right amount would be beneficial to plants because plants take in CO2 and release oxygen.

How do breathing happen?

its cycle between living animals(yes this includes humans) and plants. when plants breathe they inhale CO2(carbon dioxide) and exhale O(oxygen). when animals breathe they inhale O(oxygen) and exhale CO2(carbon dioxide). without plants we would not be here becaude the air would not recycle CO2 and O.

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to make sugar?

CO2 in the air. CO2 ---> (glucose, stalks, leaves, etc) + c_O2

What can rapidly increase in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal natural gas or oil?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can rapidly increase in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal natural gas or oil. This increased CO2 in the air is more than trees and green plants can process in making Oxygen (O2), especially since world markets have engaged in deforestation and clearing of naturally occurring plants. Increased CO2 traps warmer air in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.