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Q: Would plants with fibrous roots or taproots be more suitable for planting in a windy area?
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What kind of roots does a bamboo tree have?

a bamboo has a fibrous root because it is a monocot

Why do you think taproots are used more for food more often than fibrous roots?

because there are more plants that are vegetables

Why taproots are used more often than the fibrous?

Taproots have one long main root that goes deep into the soil and anchors it down. It can suck up more water than fibrous roots, which are a tangled mass that looks like Davy Jones's tentacles. Therefore, the taproot plants will be more ripe since they can get more water, which is why we eat them more. :9

Does aloe vera have a tap root or fibrous root?

Hibiscus plants have taproots BUT hibiscus trees have fibrous roots

Do tomatoes have taproots or fibrous roots?

No, it is a both a root and a type of tuber that has tap roots( the long thin strands that anchor plants in the ground) Answer A potato is a tuber, the roots of a potato plant are fibrous, the tubers grow on the roots.

Why do plant have taproots?

Taproots are the anchor roots of plants . The taller the plant the deeper the tap root.

Does plants that have taproots survive better than a fibrous root plant in a drought?

Yes Because tap roots penetrate deeper in the soil and get enough capillary water to survive during drought.

Is squash a tap root?

Further, the taproot of squash and other vine crops must not be damaged in Long taproots and branching surface roots enable squash plants to access soil they are over-large, with large seeds, hard skins, and fibrous or watery flesh.

Why do tamarind plant have a taproot?

Tap root is present in Dicot plants and fibrous root in monocots. Those plants taking water from lower strata of soil have tap root and those taking water from upper strata have fibrous roots.

Do taproots store food for plants?

yes it is :3

What is fibrous plant matter?

What is fibrous plants matter.

What kind of roots would you expect to find on a desert plant?

Desert plants are known to have taproots. With these types of roots there are two components which consist of the primary root and secondary lateral roots. These types of roots can also be found on dandelions, carrots, radishes, potatoes, and beets.