

Best Answer

No, you have to buy the nozzle that will much the pocket hose, you can find it online at eBay, Amazon etc...

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Q: Would regular spray nozzle work for pocket hose?
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How does a spray bottle work?

when trigger pulled it sucks water from the storage area and dispenses it out the nozzle

Can you spray paint cloth furniture with regular spray paint?

yes but you can destroy it I have tried it before

How does spray paint work on a car?

Spray paint is facilitated by passing paint through a nozzle that will break up the paint into particles that can be sprayed onto the surface being painted. The paint is pushed to the nozzle by either hydraulic pressure or by air pressure depending on viscosity. On a hydraulic, or airless sprayer, the fan is formed by the tip itself with a tip only allowing a single fan width and volume. Air spray guns have adjustments to allow for more or less material volume and varying spray widths without having to change out parts of the gun. Pertaining to static electricity: Spray paint works through a process called electrostatic spray painting. The nozzle of the container is negatively charged, and the target is positively charged. Therefore, when the paint is sprayed out through the nozzle, it becomes negatively charged, and is attracted to the positive target, resulting in a paint job that saves paint, gives a smooth surface, and speeds drying.

Can you pressure wash painting siding to remove old paint before you put on new paint?

Yes, that's what I usually do. Pick a nozzle that gives about 6" spray and get all the old paint off.

Do they make chrome paint in an enamel?

Tremclad makes it in regular paint or spray. The spray is better, especially if sprayed over a flat white primer they also make.

Related questions

If you replaced the spray nozzle on a spray bottle with 3 spray nozzles would each nozzle spray a third of the amount of water as a single nozzle would?

As long as the hole through the nozzle was the same size for all three, then, yes.

Why doesnt a spray bottle work after you empty it and refill it?

Spray bottles that stop working after being emptied and refilled could be due to a clogged nozzle, air pocket in the tube, or a faulty pump mechanism. Try cleaning the nozzle, ensuring there are no obstructions in the tube, and checking for any defects in the pump to fix the issue.

How do I uses Toilette spray?

First you put the nozzle were you want to spray and then push the handle down.

What item is usually found on the spray nozzle gun assembly?


What stores sell high quality spray nozzles?

This would depend on what kind of spray nozzle is needed. Any hardware store such as Home Depot or Lowe's should carry various brands of spray nozzles for all of your needs.

What the purpose of injector nozzle?

The Injector nozzle consists of a needle valve and a series of fine orifices in the nozzle tip. Its task is to inject fuel in an atomised spray pattern and distribute it into the combustion space.

What is a swirl nozzle?

Spiral nozzle is a full or hollow cone spray nozzle,jet angle range can be 30°-180°.flow rates range from 5.5 to 4140 l/min.Spiral nozzle has NPT or BSPT external thread type. Usually 1/4 inch to 6 inch nozzle can be used brass, SS304, 303, 316, 316L materials , as spiral nozzle factory, we sell and manufactuer mutli spiral nozzles.

What is the thi ng called when the firefighters use to put the hose to spray water?


How does a spray bottle work?

when trigger pulled it sucks water from the storage area and dispenses it out the nozzle

How does the gas on top of the liqiud in an aerosol can cause the liquid to come out of the spray nozzle?

this question is dumb

Can water be used to fight a gasoline fire?

Not out of a garden hose, but with a nozzle that gives an atomized spray it can.

What is difference between atomizer and fuel injector?

An atomizer is any kind of nozzle that will turn any fluid into a fine mist, You'd find them on spray-on deodorants, spray paints, hairsprays etc. A fuel injector is a nozzle that turns fuels into a fine mist for combustion.