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Probably not. You need a mechanical aid like a dowel or biscuit in the wood with Tite Bond 3 .

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Q: Would super glue fix wood bed rails?
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Can you super glue metal to a painted wood surface?

A better choice would be an epoxy glue. Super glue is not perfect on wood, painted or not.

Can you glue wood with super glue?

You could if the wood was 2 very smooth, flat, shiny surfaces. that's where super glue excels. If it's 2 rough pieces of wood there's no way super glue will make a solid joint.

How strong is super glue if you are doing a project with barrel wood?

very sticyANS 2 - Super glue does not adhere very well to wood. Try carpenter's yellow glue instead.

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Wood glue ANS 2 - I would use yellow carpenter's glue

Is it possible to use super glue on a nail?

It's possible, but their is little use. Even if you managed to get it onto the shaft of a nail as it sank into the wood, it would achieve little due to super glue's inability to make a bond to raw wood.

Why is super glue stronger than wood glue?

Because it is a totally different composition.

Can you use other glue besides model glue for models?

if it is a plastic model kit you can use super glue, but not wood glue.

How you can change wood glue to super glue?

These are quite different products, with different formulations and actions. In particular, 'super glue' - cyanoacrylate requires the absence of air for its action.

What glue holds two pieces of wood better super glue elmer's glue cement glue or crazy glue?

None of those are ideal . The best wood glue by far is Titebond lll and it's not too pricy.

Can you use wood glue glue to stick plastic items together?

No, try an apoxy, super glue, or zap a gap. N

Can you use super glue on boards?

yes ANS 2 - If you mean wood boards, that's a definite NO. PVA (white or yellow glue) will adhere to wood better.

What glue dries faster Elmer's stick glue or Elmer's liquid glue or gorilla glue?

gorilla glueANS 2 - They all work well . - Some are better in different applications.