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No. Iraqi Kurdistan and Syrian Kurdistan are already de facto independent of the direct control of Baghdad and Damascus anyway, so the only places where a struggle for Kurdish independence must seriously continue are Turkey and Iran.

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Q: Would the Kurds need to fight all four of the nations that occupy Kurdistan for autonomy?
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What are people of Kurdistan called?

The majority population of Kurdistan is made of Kurds.

Who is the president of Kurdistan?

Currently, Kurdistan is not a united country. As a result the different regions of Kurdistan are ruled differently. Only in Iraq do the Kurds have enough autonomy to have their own elected officials. Massoud Mustafa Barzani is the President of Iraqi Kurdistan.

What are kurds?

Kurds are members of a mainly pastoral Islamic people living in Kurdistan.

Does the government of Israel have conflicts with Kurdish citizens?

No. Kurdish Israelis (roughly 170,000 people) are almost all Jewish and are well-integrated into Israeli society. Israel has no territory that historically belongs to Kurdistan and therefore, there is no territorial dispute between them. As for Kurds who still live in Kurdistan, Israel does not have issues with Turkish Kurds, but refuses entry to Syrian or Iranian Kurds (because of their national passports). Due to the vast autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan, it is still unclear whether or not Israel will permit the entry of Iraqi Kurds to Israel. However, relations continue to improve between Iraqi Kurdistan and Israel, so Iraqi Kurds may gain a special exemption to the traditional Iraqi passport ban.

What area of land do the kurds believe should be kurdistan?

Kurdistan is a term applied to regions of southeast Turkey, northeast Syria, northern Iraq, and northwest Iran in reference to the Kurdish ethnic majority who live on that land. The Kurds, by and large, want independence from their host nations and to create an independent republic on these majority Kurdish lands.

Is Kurdistan free?

Kurdistan is not a recognized independent state, but refers to a region predominantly inhabited by Kurdish people spread across Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. The Kurds have faced challenges in achieving autonomy or independence due to political, social, and historical factors, despite aspirations for self-governance.

When did Kurds rule in Iraq?

Kurds have not ruled Iraq, but they have had periods of semi-autonomy in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, particularly after the establishment of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in 1992 following the First Gulf War. The KRG has its own parliament, government, and security forces, operating within the framework of the Iraqi constitution.

What nation do the Kurds live?

Kurdistan in south west Asia

Where were kurds from?

Kurds, or Kurdish people are a group of people that do not have there own state. Kurdistan is located in western mountains of Iran. But many Kurds moved to Iraq and Turkey and some to Syria. In North of Iraq they have federal region called Kurdistan of Iraq.

What groups want autonomy from turkey?

The Kurds

Will Kurdistan get independence?

Very probably not. Abandoning large parts of their countries to a newly established State totally runs against the thinking of the rulers of the countries where Kurds now live. An acknowledged form of autonomy within those countries is the best the Kurds can hope for. And Turkey would probably not even want to consider that.