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maybe, but almost certainly not for a minimum of 2 to 3 years. the US populace was strongly isolationist from the end of WW1 until we were attacked and realized the oceans could no longer protect us.

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Q: Would the United states have gotten involved in WWll if Japan had not attacked pearl harbor?
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Was china involved in Pearl Harbor?

No. China was not involved in Pearl Harbor. Japan attacked the United States in Pearl Harbor. China, however, had been at war with Japan for several years when Japan attacked the United States.

Who was involved in the pear harbor attacked?

Japan attacked the Americans at Pearl Harbor , Hawaii .

When did the United States get involved in World War 2?

when Americans got involved in WW2In world war 2, Americans got involved right after the Japanese attacked pearl harbor. AnswerPearl Harbor.

Who attaced Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and the United States entered World War II. They were involved previous to the attack, but they were officially fighting then.

Why did the us get involved in ww 2?

because they attacked Pearl Harbor

What branches of the military were involved in the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor was attacked by the combined efforts of air and sea military units.

Year date japan attaked Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese navy attacked the United States' naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941, later resulting in the United States becoming militarily involved in World War II.

How did japan retaliate against the US?

They bombed pearl harbor. It was attacked in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 by Japenese bombers and planes.

Why was America involved in the war of terror?

Because Japan, which was an Axis Power, attacked them on Pearl Harbor ?

Was the Pearl Harbor allies or axis powers?

Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii, which is part of the United States. At the time Pearl Harbor was bombed, the United States had not yet decided to join the war. The United States were neutral.Japan was the country that bombed Pearl Harbor. Japan was an Axis Power.Because of the bombing, the United States decided to join the war. The United States became an Allied Power.

Did the United states help defeat the japanese after they attacked the us in pearl Harbor?


What parties were involved in the battle of Pearl Harbor?

The United states Navy and the Imperial Japanese naval fleet were involved in the batttle for pearl harbor.