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No because they proably got bullied before and now they want to do it to people NOW

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Q: Would the people who were bullying others regret what they did?
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Related questions

What does bullying show about the respect for others?

Bullying actually shows a LACK of respect for others. Bullying violates and demeans the victim in many ways, which is not something a person that respected others would want to do.

Why would you get help with bulling?

You would actually would need help with bullying because bullying can lead to serious problems, it can lead to people self harming there-selves for example cutting there self and can lead to not eating and can also lead to people fighting. Bullying gets taken seriously and that is because bullying can involve racism and also if people are bullies, you can report it to the police Hope this has helped

Does fashion lead to bullying?

No! That would be more down to people and society.

What happens to the people that do the cyber bullying?

They would at least be blocked from whatever site they are using once the bullying has been reported and verified. There is the problem that not much is done to stop it, this is why the bullies carry on and continue to ruin others lives. Until it is made illegal it will be hard to stop.

Why is cyber bullying a controversial problem?

Bullying is very controversial. Some believe that if you do something like shoving someone down a hallway is bullying. But others may believe that you would be just playing around.

What is phonal bullying?

Phonal bullying would be bullying by telephone. That could include name-calling, hangup calls, playing adult materials to another over the phone, etc. It could also involve defamation and inciting others to do things against the victim.

Is bullying a noun or verb?

It could be either. As a verb you would say "she is bullying him" and as a noun you would say "bullying is bad."

You witness an instance of bullying among several campers. Please describe how you would address this situation?

I would try to figure out what, why and when the bullying started. I would also talk to each of them separately to try to figure out why they r bullying. I would try to figure out how to stop the building also. I don't like bullying so I try to help as many people as I can.

Are bullies cool?

For bullying others, they certainly are not cool. They would have to change their attitude and behavior for many to even think of considering them cool.

What do you regret most in your life?

Nothing. If regret my life then I would regret how I have lived. Life is what it is and we do the best we can.

Is bullying peer pressure?

Answer I think it would be a situation where a person is bullied into doing something they do not want to do by friends or others of the same age group.

How would you counter the argument that cyberbullying is not an issue and should not have the same penalties as regular bullying?

A lot of people have committed suicide from cyber bullying, of course it has the same penalties as regular, it is ILLEGAL!