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Yes Because If There Were Less Extreme Weathers It Would Make All The Really Rainy Areas Less Wet And People Can See The Sun More In That Area.

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1mo ago

Yes, there would still be a story in Bradbury's "Venus" even if the weather was less extreme. The focus of the story is not solely on the extreme weather conditions but also on the themes of exploration, isolation, and human nature. These themes would still be relevant and impactful even with less extreme weather on Venus.

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Q: Would there still be a story if Bradbury's Venus had less extreme weather?
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to see how it would be different to earth and other planets===========================To answer the question:I would not visit Venus because I do not like hot weather.------------------------------------The weather is "hot" on Venus in that it would pretty much fry you right away. But you would get squished by the immense air pressure first. Going there does not seem like a goo idea.

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