

Best Answer

Lime is needed so to determine the answer, you must determine the availability of lime.

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Penny Janson

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Q: Would will the cayuga lake basin be a good or poor location for a cement making plant?
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How was fort Sumter built?

by men making cement and stacking bricks and at night they would cellabrate -JOHN DENVER

Why is the name 'Medusa' appropriate for a type of cement?

The name 'Medusa' would be appropriate for a type of cement, because Medusa, in Greek mythology, had the ability to turn people into stone if they looked her in the eyes. I suppose that stone is similar to cement, making it an appropriate name.

What animals eat cement?

I don't think any animals eat cement, but if they did then it would harden inside of them and they would die. Any animal who eats cement is called a cement eater therefore he eats cement and if they eat iit then they will die...... socement eaters are what eat cement

Can female Cayuga ducks mate with male Pekin ducks?

Yes, they can be bred together, but obviously, some traits from each breed would come out in the eggs (or the ducklings). This would create a crossbreed between the Pekin and the Cayuga, the same goes for any other two breeds of ducks bred together, e.g. Mallards and Muscovies, or Pekins and Muscovies. The Cayuga itself I believe is a crossbreed.

Who is making cement civil engineers or chemical engineers?

If your asking who does the mix design for cement or concrete that would normally be done by civil/construction engineers. The chemical engineers may play a roll if they are creating a new additive to make the cement or concrete dry faster while retaining or improving its design strength.

What would happen if you ate cement?

The cement would harden inside of you. I don't even know why you would eat cement. It's probably toxic and plus you would be eating liquid rock so it wouldn't taste very good.

Why do you fill volcano with cement?

they put cement because i very hard the streets are made out of cement and u can brake it and the magma would not come out

Is cement homogeneous?

Yes, cement is considered to be homogeneous because it is a uniform mixture of various compounds like limestone, clay, and gypsum. This results in a consistent composition and properties throughout the material.

What would happen if you ate solvent cement?

If you eat wall cement plaster, you would become very sick and maybe die. Wall cement plaster is not made for eating in any way.

What is the volume of 50 kg cement in cubic -metre?

as unit weight of cement varies from 830kg/cu.m-1650kg/cu.m volume of cement of 50 kg. varies 0.060241cu.m to 0.030303cu.m if the cement is port-land cement unit weight would be 1440kg/cu.m then the volume would be 0.034472 cu.m

How much would 5 gallons of cement weigh?

A gallon of cement typically weighs around 12.5 pounds, so 5 gallons of cement would weigh around 62.5 pounds.

How much does the average cement truck cost?

Renting an average cement truck would cost $200 to $500 per day. Buying an average cement truck would cost upwards of $120,000. You cannot own a cement truck without a license.