

Would you become vampires if vampires existed?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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yes you properly would if you goout in the dark at night.

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Q: Would you become vampires if vampires existed?
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Why did the vampires first exist?

they existed because of blood if vampires were not real we wouldn't have blood in us and they have disappeared because of us if we would be living now we would die we wouldn't become a vamp but we will lose our blood and die

How and where has it been proven that vampires and werewovles exist?

vampires do not exist. they are fiction, a creation of mind. i would have loved to be a vampire if they existed but the truth is they do not.

Does vampires still exist today?

It has not been proven for vampires to have ever existed. However, it is possible that they have existed and may still exist today.

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vampires never existed, and wolves still exist.

Is the human vampire is still in the world?

No vampires, they never existed! Vampires are just a myth, and it's stupid.

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Vampires are not real. They are Mythical derived from old folk tales. It is fun to research about them in the mythical sense. But if they existed we would know by now

Can people become vampires?

Vampires are fiction. You can not become a vampire.

Does vampires still live today?

They have never existed, ever.

Do vampires still exists today?

No, they do not, nor have they ever existed.

How do vampires become undead?

by becoming vampires

Why did people think vampires existed?

There's this myth that vampires were humans with a disease and if you cuaght it you'd become a vampire and join the dark side. After a vampire died, someone(usually a grave digger) would put a brick in your mouth to stop the disease from spreading. There is evidence of this happening in Rome around the 1600's .

Can girls become vampires?

NO, because Vampires are not real