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It's a matter of opinion, but I think slavery would have died out eventually with increasing mechanization of agriculture and realization by the plantation owners that paying someone by the hour is cheaper than supporting his entire family 24/7 for the rest of their lives.

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It is impossible to say for certain, as historical events depend on various factors and circumstances. However, if the Confederacy had won the Civil War, it is likely that slavery would have continued in the southern states for a significant period of time. The economic and social structure of the region relied heavily on the institution of slavery, and it would have taken significant pressure and changes from within and outside for it to be abolished.

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Q: Would you still have slavery if the south won the civil war?
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What happens if the south won the civil war?

there would still be slaves and slavery would not be over.

Would there still be slavery if the south won the US Civil War?

No. By about 1890, free nations abroad would have refused to trade with a slave-owning state.

Why did freedom reign in the South after the Civil War?

The idea is that slavery ended. If you look around now, you'll still see slavery in the USA.

What would life be like if the north had not come out victorious in the civil war?

I belive the south would have power and there would be more farm lands than industry lands. The south was and still has a farming agriculture. African Americans would still be slaves. And there would be many wars about ending slavery.

What was union goal during the civil war?

They wanted to try to reunite with the South while still abolishing slavery.

What if south won Civil War?

several things could've happened 1)The people who live in Texas would be sworn enemies with Californians and Floridan would hate Maine people and so on.2)Our lives would be different as we know it3) The outcome of all future wars(WWI and WWII) would have many differences.4)there would've probably been a second civil wartry reading harry turtledove's How Few Remain. Its about an alternate history if the south had won the civil war

Where does slavery still exist?

No slavery does not still exist in the US today. Slavery was over in 1865 in the US { but it does still exist in different parts of the world} after the Civil War. Former President Lincoln was the leader of the Civil War and he was the one who signed the bill to end slavery after the Civil War {so you can see that the Civil War was part of slavery}. If the north lost the Civil War slaves would probably still exist today and we would have more conflicts with the south. So remember slavery is over in the US, and it was over in 1865. But it still happens in different parts of the world. One example in the world which still has slavery is Asia.

What effect did the civil war have on the United States and explain?

It ended slavery in the U.S. This happened because the Union, trying to end slavery, won the war. If there was no Civil war, then slavery would still be an issue in modern times.

Why was it important for the north to win the civil war?

If the north hadn't won this war , we would still have slavery .

If Lincoln did not issue the 13th would slavery still be going on this very day and why?

No. The US was not the only place with slavery, and it was not the last to end the practice. Many countries in Central and South America also had slavery. All ended slavery within a generation or two after the US Civil War ended. If the Civil War had not brought things to a crisis, slavery would have ended at around the same time in the US, if not sooner, due to international pressure. There is still slavery in the world, but its done very quietly, so as not to attract international outrage, in places like Haiti, and by our very best friends in Saudi Arabia.

Did slavery stop when the supreme court declared the slave trade illegal?

no the south caceeded and then the civil war accured and THEN it stoped in the united states. slavery still exist today in other countries.

How do you think the north and the south could have settled their differences without going to war?

no. both seemed too stubborn to ever give up their beliefs or ways of life. the south would have never given up slavery and we possibly could still have had slavery to this day. and lincoln wanted to end slavery once he was elected president so the civil war was unavoidable.