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Yes, if they contact your local government office.

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Q: Would your mortgage company know if there is a lien on your house?
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How do you know when your house is in foreclosure?

You will be informed by the mortgage company or bank.

If I foreclose on my house can the attorney come after me for attorney fees?

What I know about this is that a mortgage company that forecloses your house has no right to get the remaining balance to you.

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Speaking with your mortgage company or a tax prefessional would be your best start for reducing your property taxes.

How do you know if your foreclosure will be pursued by the mortgage company?

go ask the mortgage company.

You are filing chapter 7 your ex lives in house but your name is on the mortgage how will this affect him and the house?

You have an "automatic stay" , which means that the mortgage company cannot contact you. If you have a marital agreement that stipulates that you must make the payments, then YOU need to let him know what the deal is. You should let him know that you are to be "held harmless" on any debt owed on your mortgage.

Anyone know how to get a mortgage?

The very first step is to find a mortgage company and see what amount of loan you can qualify for. They will need to pull your credit report and look at your finances. After you know what you can qualify for, then it's time to house hunt.

How do you know if you had mortgage insurance?

This depends on what you mean by mortgage insurance. If you are talking about products like PMI (Premium Mortgage Insurance) look on your escrow billing and it will be listed. If you are talking about a life insurance policy that would be either through credit life with your mortgage company or separately through an insurance company.

I want to know how i can get a fast mortgage refinance?

The fastest way to refinance your mortgage would be to contact your current mortgage company. Since they already have all your property information, they may be able to help you get this done quickly.

Do you know of a good reverse mortgage counselor?

I would suggest you try One Reverse Mortgage. Try the company and tell me how you like it. I would suggest them, because they are easy to contact. Log on to their website and try to contact them.

If i am are six months late on my mortagage and I receive a insurance check for a roof leak can the mortgage company keep your check since the check came in my name and the mortgage company?

As far as I know they shouldn't be allowed to. They are on the policy in case your house becomes a total loss and the insurer then uses the settlement money to pay back the whole mortgage. Query your insurer.

Can a mortgage company sue for the entire amount of a second mortgage after foreclosure even though they received money to cover the first and some of the second after the sale of the property?

First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.First, it is unclear how you know the mortgage company received money toward the second mortgage from the foreclosure of the first mortgage. The lender can sue for the second mortgage. You should consult with an attorney who can seek documentation from the lender to support the amount they are suing you for.

Should you sue a title company for not paying your mortgage balance at closing which caused your house to go into foreclosure?

Notice should have been given to the homeowner by the mortgageholder letting them know that the balance on the mortgage had not been paid. At that point the title company could have been contacted and the matter should have been cleared up before the mortgage holder could finalize foreclosure proceedings. Therefore, I do not believe that the title company could have caused a mortgage foreclosure.