

Write a brief description of each ship in the first fleet?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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There is not a lot of information available on all the ships of the First Fleet. The following list gives some of the known dimensions.

  • The Alexander - 452 tons, 114 ft long and 31 ft at the beam
  • The Borrowdale - 375 tons, 75 ft long and 22 ft at the beam
  • The Charlotte - 335 tons, 105 ft long and 28 ft at the beam
  • The Friendship - 274 or 278 tons and 75 feet long (the smallest of the ships)
  • H.M.S. Supply - 170 tons and 70 feet long
  • The Scarborough - 430 tons
  • The Prince of Wales - 31.4m long and weighed 350 tons
  • H.M.S. Sirius - 540 tons
  • Lady Penrhyn - 333 tons
  • The Golder Grove - 375 tons
  • The Fishburn - weighed 378 tons
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