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#include<iostream>#include<fstream>#include<windows.h>usingnamespace std;void lockfolder();void unlockfolder();void setcolour(unsignedint colour);int main(){unsignedint choice=0;SetConsoleTitle("Folder Lock"); system("CLS"); setcolour(14); cout <<"\t\t\t\t"<<"- Evil Genious\n"; cout <<"\t\t\t\t"<<"-----------------\n"; setcolour(15); setcolour(30); cout <<"\n\n"<<"Options:\t\t\t\n"; cout <<"\t======================\n"; cout <<"\t1. - Lock Folder.\n"; cout <<"\t2. - Unlock Folder.\n"; cout <<"\t3. - Exit.\n"; cout <<"\t====================== \n"; setcolour(128); cout <<"\nEnter your choice: "; cin >> choice;switch(choice){case1: lockfolder();break;case2: unlockfolder();break;case3:exit(0);break;default: cout <<"\nError. Unknown Option Entered. Quitting ....\n";break;}return0;}void setcolour(unsignedint colour){ HANDLE handle =GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, colour);}void lockfolder(){charpass[15]=""; ofstream lfolder;char folder[200]={0};char tempfolder[200]={'0'};char attributes[50]={'0'}; setcolour(13); cout <<"\nEnter the complete path to the Folder: "; cin >> folder; strcpy(tempfolder, folder); strcat(folder,"\\Desktop.ini");, ios::out); lfolder <<"[.shellClassInfo]"<< endl; lfolder <<"CLSID = {63E23168-BFF7-4E87-A246-EF024425E4EC}"<< endl; lfolder.close(); strcpy(attributes,"attrib +h +s "); strcat(attributes, tempfolder);WinExec(attributes, NULL);"C:\\windows\\db.dat", ios::app); lfolder <<"Folder Locked: "<< tempfolder << endl; lfolder.close(); cout <<"\n\n"<< tempfolder <<" has been locked successfully!\n";}void unlockfolder(){char folder[255];char tempfolder[255];char attributes[50];chardel[50]; ofstream lfolder; setcolour(14); cout <<"\nEnter the complete path to the Folder: "; cin >> folder; strcpy(tempfolder, folder); strcat(folder,"\\Desktop.ini"); strcpy(del,"del "); strcat(del, folder); system(del); strcpy(attributes,"attrib -h -s "); strcat(attributes, tempfolder);WinExec(attributes, NULL);"C:\\windows\\db.dat", ios::app); lfolder <<"! Folder Unlocked: "<< tempfolder << endl; lfolder.close(); cout <<"\n\n"<< tempfolder <<" has been unlocked successfully!\n";}

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Q: Write a program in c to lock a folder?
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