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Module Module1

Sub Main()




End Sub

Private Sub myQuequeue()

Dim theQ As New Queue

Dim dStr, frmstrArr() As String

Dim i As Integer

frmstrArr = FillArr()

For i = 0 To 25

theQ.Enqueue(frmstrArr(i) + " queue")


For i = 0 To 25

dStr = theQ.Dequeue()



End Sub

Private Sub myStack()

Dim theStack As New Stack

Dim dStr, fStr() As String

Dim i As Integer

fStr = FillArr()

For i = 0 To 25

theStack.Push(fStr(i) + " stack")


For i = 0 To 25

dStr = theStack.Pop()



End Sub

Private Function FillArr()

Dim strArr(25) As String

strArr = New String() {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}

Return strArr

End Function

end module

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11y ago

Yes, you should, especially if it is your homework.

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Stack implementations allow us to easily implement backtracking algorithms.

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Write a java program to implement stack in java?

You would need an array to store the actual stack. Better use an ArrayList or some other structure that you can redimension. You'll also need a variable to point to the "top of stack" - the last element added, which is the first element to be taken away.

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Yes it is possible to implement stack and queue using linked list

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Write a program to convert stack into queue using c language?

In order to write a program to convert stack into queue using c language you must be able to identify the proper program. Having a special certification in programing will be beneficial as well to make sure you recognize the proper queues for the programs.

C program for insertion and deletion in stacks?

chk out the following link showing you how to implement stack. Though it is a c++ implementation it may still help you.

Can heap implement recursion?

Heap is a data-structure, it cannot implement anything. On the other hand, it is true that: 1. Recursive routines might use heap. 2. You can use dynamic memory allocation (heap), to implement a stack; and use the stack to implement recursion.

Write a c program to sort an unsorted stack?

A stack is implicitly sorted by hierarchical nested order. It does not make sense to sort a stack. Do you mean a list? If so, please ask the question again.

Write various ways to implement stack data structure?

2. Write a program using switch statement that reads a character representing a geometrical figure, then asks the user to enter the required data (ex. Radius for a circle, length and height for a rectangle, etc. ...) . The program should then print the area and circumference.Figures are: circle(c), square(s), rectangle(r), triangle (t).

What are application of stack?

Stacks are primarily used to implement backtracking algorithms.