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the answer is D, code of hammurabi

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Q: Written laws that spell out what constitutes a crime and its punishments are the a. Napoleonic Code b. verdict c. penal code d. Code of Hammurabi?
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Written laws that spell out what constitutes a crime and its punishments are the?

the respective penal codes

Why was Hammurabis Code of ancient Mesopotamian society important?

Hammurabi's Code of ancient Mesopotamian society was important because it listed the laws and the corresponding punishments. Hammurabi's Code of ancient Mesopotamian society was important because it listed the laws and the corresponding punishments. the first time laws were put into writeing.

Who created written laws with severe punishment?

Hammurabi, the king of Babylon, is known for creating one of the earliest written legal codes, known as the Code of Hammurabi, around 1754 BC. This code detailed laws and punishments for various crimes, with the principle of "an eye for an eye" guiding many of the harsh penalties.

What was Hammurabi's code was significant?

Hammurabi's code was a big deal because of the fact that it was the first set of written laws/rules for society. it also was important because of how harsh the punishments in Hammurabi's code was. Steal something... DEATH! Break something... DEATH! almost everything was punishable by death.

How did Hammurabi control his empire?

Like most rulers the actual control was exacted through fairly brutal means and use of military force. However, Hammurabi's significance to modernity is that he is credited with having set down the first (as far as we know) set of written Codes of Conduct with corresponding punishments. In essence, Hammurabi is credited with establishing the first modern legal system with codified (written) laws and the first set of sentencing guidelines. The punishments subscribed were quite brutal in nature however and, in many ways, could be best described by the old adage and "eye for an eye".

What was the first known system of written law?

Code of Hammurabi was the first known written law.

What is the first system of written laws?

The Code Of Hammurabi

Why is the code of Hammurabi useful?

The Code of Hammurabi is the first written laws.

Who ruled babylonia when the code of Hammurabi was written?

King Hammurabi himself.

The ruler who made the first written laws?

Who was the first person to write a code of laws.

What language is Hammurabi's Code of Laws written in?

Hammurabi's code of Laws was written in Akkadian, the language of the ancient Babylonians.

Was the Hammurabi's code the first written set of laws?

No, Hammurabi actually improved it and added lots of rules to it... But it wasn't the first.