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According to a Yahoo! Health article (

A rubella blood test detects antibodies that are made by the immune system to help kill the rubella virus. These antibodies remain in the bloodstream for years. The presence of certain antibodies indicates a recent infection, a past infection, or that you have been vaccinated against the disease.

  • The presence of IgM antibodies means you have a current or recent rubella infection.
  • The presence of IgG antibodies means you have immunity against the infection. This immunity could have been received either through vaccination for rubella or a past rubella infection.

As long as the IgM test is negative, both you and your baby are in the clear!

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Q: You are 18 weeks pregnant and your rubella IgG test sHow is positive and Rubella IgM sHow is negative Please advise if its dangerous to your baby?
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Does rubella IgG positive have any effect on newborn?

Yes, the rubella test (igg) should be positive during pregnancy, which means that you have taken the vaccination prior. Negative result (igg) doesn't mean that you are infected with rubella, however this means that you doesn't have Rubella antibodies in your blood stream. If your result comes out negative, then you should perform another test for Rubella igm, positive results will confirm your infection with this virus.

Can you give rubella vaccine to positive rubella patient?

Can you give rubella vaccine to positive rubella patient?

Why only girls are given rubella vaccine?

Because only girls can get pregnant. Rubella can cause serious damage to the fetus of a pregnant women if she is to catch rubella.

What are some of rubella virus fatalities?

In the past, rubella caught by a pregnant woman was dangerous, and usually fatal, for a fetus. One actress, Gene Tierney, lost a baby to the virus many years ago. There was a vacine given for rubella for many years to help prevent this.

Can you get Rubella?

no you cant, that's why when you are pregnant you are tested to see if you are immune to rubella which i am as i had it as a child

What does positive in rubella igM mean?

That you have an acute Rubella infection and have developed IgM antibodies.

Is rubella a latent viruse?

No, it is not. However, congenital rubella syndrome is. This occurs when a pregnant woman contracts rubella early on in her pregnancy. The rubella may or may not affect the infant.

Why are only girls given the rubella vaccine?

Because only girls can get pregnant. Rubella can cause serious damage to the fetus of a pregnant women if she is to catch rubella.

Why is rubella dangerous?

i dont know and i dont care

You are pregnant and had a blood test which came back positive with rubeola antibodies what does this mean?

Typically a pregnant woman gets tested for immunity to rubella (rubella IgG antibodies), and a positive test means she has adequate protection against rubella, which can cause birth defects. In contrast, you report a gest for rubeola antibodies. In order to interpret the test, more information is needed regarding the type of test done (IgM versus IgG). Please check with your health care provider for information specific to your situation.

What can pregnant women do to avoid rubella or chickenpox?

All non-immune women of childbearing age should be vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox before pregnancy. Pregnant women should be tested for immunity to rubella at their first prenatal visit.

How is exposure to rubella by a pregnant woman treated?

Exposure to chickenpox or rubella by a nonimmune pregnant woman may be treated with an injection of immune globulin to help prevent fetal transmission.