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Q: You are 4 days late however you have noticed some spotting is this normal?
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Is it normal to have your period for 8 days while your on the shot?

It is normal to have your period for eight days but only if it is normal - spotting.

Is it normal to spot days after your menstrual cycle?

Spotting, along with discharge are totally normal.

After taking Plan B it is normal to have spotting after ones menstrual cycle for days at a time?

After taking Plan B it is normal to have spotting after one's menstrual cycle for days at a time, if you just started taking the pill. However, if you have been on Plan B for a while, this type of bleeding may not be normal. It could be that the uterus did not expel all of the blood during your period and so spotting occurs mid-cycle.

I had My period then 2 weeks later I've noticed spotting which stoped then 3 days later i have more spotting.?

It is most likely that this is ovulation bleeding which generally occurs 2 weeks after period ended. However, if there is a chance that you could be pregnant, take a test if you miss your period

Is it normal to have spotting for days followed by period?

Yes.. It is pretty normal for most women. If the spotting beyond your period lasts longer then a week, consult your dr!

Why have light menstrual or spotting more than 10 days Is it normal?

If you have light menstrual spotting for more than 10 days, this isn't typically normal. Seeing a doctor can rule out health problems and pregnancy.

I have spotting and light cramps 4 days after unprotected intercourse. what could possible cause this?

According to the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" this could be a sign of ovulation. Some women experience spotting and light cramping after the egg is released. It is unlikely that this is implantation spotting if this is only four days after ovulation, because implantation spotting and cramping usually occurs 8-10 days after the egg is fertilized. Sperm can live up to 5 days so I would be sure to take a pregnancy test if you do not get your period when expected. The book is wonderful and tells all kinds of normal symptoms women experience throughout the entire month - things we may not have noticed, but are perfectly normal.

Spotting after a period?

normal cycles can last 10 days. sorry Joymaker RN

Is it normal to begin spotting a few days after a period appears to be completely over?

If the spotting is brown blood then this is simply left over blood from your period.

My period lasted two days and i still have spotting's?

Probably not pregnant at this time.

Should you be worried if you had a normal period then you had light spotting afterwards but a few days later you and your boyfriend had sex and the spotting got heavier then settled after a few days?

You should take a pregnancy test to be safe.

What can cause spotting two days before you get your period?

It is perfectly normal to spot a few days before your period so dont worry!