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Well, I'm the same perosn who posted this. I'm 13 and I'm a girl and I'm 5'1. I so badley want more than anything in the world to become 5'8 someday to pursue my dreams. My mom is only 5'1-5'2 and my dad is from 5'11-6'0. My dad's side of the family is tall, my aunt is 5'10. I have big feet (about 7 1/2), long legs, and long arms, i have a fast metabolism, and I have long fingers and pretty big palms. Some say my hands look like a tall person's hands. I'm just scared because most people in my grade have stopped growing is what they said and they're about my age, but I'm the only girl in my grade that's not fully "developed" yet. I drink a lot of milk and try to sleep as long as I can. But mostly your height is from genetics, but I can tell I gotten most of my genetics on my mom's side but I just hope I got my height from my dad's. I always ask my dad how tall my aunt used to be at my age but he doesn't remember, all he said is that they were slow growers. I want to know if there's someone out there that can help me or can tell me their story if they used to be short and became tall. But I think my body somewhat resembles that of Paris Hilton's who is 5'8, her body structure looks similar to mine except I'm 5'1. I also haven't gotten my growth spurt yet, I hope that's a sign.

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