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Unfortunately there are several reasons for cramping during pregnancy some are good and some are not so good. They include: miscarriage, gas, constipation, ectopic pregnancy, growth of the uterus and more. If you are too concerned just contact your doctor.

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You might have a tubal pregnacy, it is a miscarriage, but can be very dangerous and fatal if it ruptures the tube. Call your doctor immediately and have a sonagram done immediately.

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Q: You are 5 weeks pregnant and you have terrible menstrual cramps and small amounts of bleeding Does this mean you are having a miscarriage?
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Only your doctor can answer this..Go see him..It may be seriuos..Don't wait..Go..

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This is nrmal apparently, i had the same prblem!

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ZERO. Alcohol is TERRIBLE for fetuses. Check out my link below.

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