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I think I was 8 or 9 weeks when I had my first Dr. appt. and ultrasound. They have a heart beat at 5 weeks.

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Q: You are 6 weeks and 3 days since your last period how soon will an ultrasound show a positive for being pregnant?
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Are you pregnant if 4 hpt tests were positive but nothing showed up on an ultrasound is this normal for being 5 days late for your period?

this could be normal. it can take up to 6 or 8 weeks for a fetal heartbeat to show up with a vaginal ultrasound.

How long can you have your period while being pregnant?

When pregnant, you do not get your period

Had an ultrasound yesterday. LMP was Nov 2 so you should be 7 weeks The ultrasound only showed you being 5 weeks pregnant you are going back next week for another ultrasound Should you be worried?

You have two due accourding to your last period and one accourding to the size of the child on the ultrasound...i think the ultrasound one is more accurate

When can signs of being pregnant start?

Just after conception, but usually not until four weeks after the last menstrual period. That is when the "test" turns positive.

Can you have a miscarriage while being on your period?

No because if you are on your period you are not pregnant.

I took a preganancy test the day before i was to start my period and it was positive.....5 days later I still don't have my period. Are the chances of me being pregnant pretty high?

umm well yeah

If you get pregnant at the beginning of your period does it stop?

No as your egg is already being released, so it will carry on, how can you get pregnant while being on your period? theres no fertilization there

What are the chances of a pregnancy ultrasound being wrong?

There is only a 1% change of a pregnancy ultrasound being wrong. If you've taken a pregnancy test and then go in for an ultra sound to confirm the pregnancy, chances are you are definitely pregnant.

Can a girl miss her period with out being pregnant?


You took 3 pregnancy test and the third one you took this morning came out positive but you got your period?

As you have got your period , the chances of being pregnant are less. I suggest that you wait for the period next month to confirm it for once and for all.

Is it possible to be pregnant and get your period after sex while being on your period?

No you really shouldn't be having your period while pregnant and the second part would be normal if you weren't pregnant.

Can you start your period being two months pregnant?

Yes you can have your period!