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Q: You are a father and you shower with your daughter she is only 28 months should you not do that or when is it the age you should not shower with her?
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Who is to say when a father should not take a shower with his daughter?


Is it normal for a father to shower with his 5 year old daughter when he is a sex addict?

NO! If the child needs a companion in the shower, it should be Mom.

Is it okay for a father to shower with his 9 year old daughter?

No, it is not.

Should my daughter in-laws mom give the baby shower or should I?

* The best thing to do is communication with your daughter-in-law's mother to see if she would like to give a baby shower and if not, then let her know you would like to give the baby shower. Generally the friends of the daughter-in-law will give a baby shower, but it's always nice when the mothers get involved. Both mothers could work together for a surprise baby shower.

Should a mother give a baby shower for her daughter?

There is no reason a mother can not give a baby shower for her daughter. However, generally one of her of her girlfriends may do this, but you could have a baby shower for the relatives in the family or simply decide to have the baby shower for her. Either way is etiquette.

Is a father taking a shower with his 9 year old a crime?

I still take a shower with my 19 year-old daughter. (mom) She still sleeps with me at times. We have a great relationship (mother & daughter). She confides in me. We are best friends, yet she knows that I'm the parent.

At what age should a father stop showering with his daughter?

There is no time a father should shower with his daughter at any age! It's OK to help bath your daughter up to the age of 4 - 5 years of age, but more often than not the mother does this. Some mothers will have a bath with their young daughters, but by the time the daughter is 6 years and up they deserve their own privacy. I would tell your mother that your father is showering with you. It simply isn't right!

Should you give your daughter a shower for her second baby when she had a big shower for her first one?

* It's an individuals choice and a second baby shower is acceptable. Afternoon baby showers are generally the most common.

Should father's name be included in baby shower invitations?

If the shower is a couple's baby shower, then the father's name should be included on the invitation. While not the norm, couple's or coed baby showers are gaining in popularity as today's dads are becoming more involved in raising their children than in past generations. For a couple's baby shower, male and female friends of the couple would be invited to attend. If the baby shower is only for the mother-to-be, then the father's name should not appear on the baby shower invitation. In this case, usually only female friends and relatives of the mommy-to-be would be invited.

Is it in bad taste to give your daughter a baby shower?

No, it is not in poor taste to give your daughter a baby shower. You could invite close relatives and a few of her friends to the baby shower.

What do you do when you planned a baby shower for your unmarried daughter Now suddenly the mother of the boyfriend wants to invite 15 people to the tea party shower?

If your unmarried daughter does not, of her own accord (without anyone interring) want to see her boyfriend again then the boyfriends mother should not invite 15 more people to the baby shower. If your daughter loves her boyfriend then there is no reason his mother should not be able to invite 15 of her friends, but, you can ask her to help out with the expenses.

Is it wrong for a father to give his daughter a bath no matter what age?

No, it is not inherently wrong for a father to give his daughter a bath at any age. However, it is important to consider the comfort and boundaries of both the father and the daughter as she grows older. It becomes more important to respect her privacy and autonomy as she reaches a certain age of development and maturity.