

Best Answer Stress has been a known factor in miscarriages but does not necessarily mean that it will cause one. Your body miscarries naturally and expels the embryo, sometimes it does not. If you are worried call your doctor or see a practitioner at a clinic that has low cost reproductive health care, like Planned Parenthood where they can help you determine if the pregnancy is still healthy or if a miscarriage is imminent. I think you are probably worrying unnecessarily. There is no evidence that stress causes miscarriages. If you DO miscarry it is probably nothing to do with the fight. Women in concentration camps and suffering bombing in the war carried their babies to term.

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Q: You are a few weeks pregnant and had a huge fight last night that put a lot of stress on your body If you were to have a miscarriage how long would would it take to actually miscarry?
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What does stress do if you are pregnant?

sometimes a miscarriage

I am 3 weeks pregnant and under tremendous stress. Could this lead to a miscarriage and what are the signs to look for?

Stress does not make you miscarry. If it did there would be very few babies born during wars or in the concentration camps etc. Many pregnancies end in miscarriage for no apparent reason and there is nothing the mother can do about it. Early signs are spotting and cramps. Either one is not too serious, both together may be. Incidentall 3 weeks pregnant is a week BEFORE a missed period. If your period was due a week ago you are 5 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy is counted from the last period, not conception.

Did you miscarry if you had signs of pregnancy then one day they stopped and your next period was heavy and you passed small clots?

I had an early miscarriage (I was trying to get pregnant, and took the 5 days before your missed period test and it was positive) and miscarried 3 weeks later. My doctor said like 50% of women have an early miscarriage, they don't even know they are pregnant until they have a heavy clotty period the next month. So yes, you could have. I am sorry. But it could just be a more heavier period, (stress can cause that)

Can stress cause a negative pregnancy test result?

yeah. it can. i actually heard a few times that if you thinkk that you are pregnant then your body will act as if you are pregnant

How do i write a doctor's report on miscarriage?

patient health record of miscarriage on the first trimesterwhat had transpired*stress and

Is it possible to have a miscarriage from stress at 11 weeks?

Yes, is is possible

You are 6 weeks pregnant bleed very lightly could that be a miscarriage?

My daughter had a baby 4 months ago and actually blead alot, went to the hospital and all was fine. Check out I believe it's called phantom twin. This is a very common thing. God bless and don't stress.

Will you miscarry if an ultrasound at 7 weeks 5 days only said 5 weeks 5 days and there was no heartbeat?

If they say you are still pregnant then you probably are. Seven weeks into the pregnancy is nothing. You have to take into consideration that they are going by your last menstural period when you could not have been pregnant so in actuality they are adding on a few weeks. Don't worry about it and try not to be stressed because stress is horrible for your unborn fetus.

How much stress can you have while pregnant?

When you are pregnant you want as little stress as possible. To much stress can effect and harm the baby.

Can stress cause miscarriages?

* Possible, but not likely. A miscarriage is usually caused by either a chromosomal abnormality or a blunt-force trauma to the pelvic area. Stress can cause a baby to be unusually small or have other health problems though. * Stress is absolutely not a cause of miscarriage. That could stress a lot of women out unnecessarily!

How do a 13 year old know she is pergante?

Miscarriage is caused by many things such as: stress to the fetus, stress to yourself, and chromosome deformities, some doctors may tell you they are not sure what causes a miscarriage. Do not induce your body to miscarry at all ... this can lead to other problems if not successfull !! and please do not give this person advice on how to do it if you have been through a miscarriage !!x A miscarriage is your body's way of making a clean start. Basically it is a period that you have with a bit more pain and blood and waste. I have had 2 in my time. You really should see your doctor to be sure that is what it is. Also you will need to be checked that everything came out, and there is no infection. First you should find out for sure you are pregnant, having a misscarriage too far into a term is very dangerous. talk to your doctor about your options. Miscarriages occur naturally. Its the body's way of saying something isn't right or going to be right with either the mom or the baby. Perhaps its natural order.

What can you do if you are stress cause you want to get pregnant?

You can do various things to remove the stress. If you come out of stress you can get pregnant. You have to stay calm and submissive all the time.