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You could be hungry But sometimes people feel hungry is because they took it AFTER they ate something. or it could be something that you ate in that day you took the Aderall.

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Q: You are about two weeks late on your menstrual cycle and have a discharge and if you feel the slightest bit hungry it hurts and you feel hungry more often what could this be?
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Is it normal to have really heavy discharge?

It can be, everyone is different and what one person could consider heavy may be light to someone else, it's also normal for discharge to change throughout the menstrual cycle. If you think your discharge is unusually heavy then talk to your doctor about running tests to check for infections.

Can you get your menstrual the day before implantation and if so what's the next step?

Doubtful, your menstrual is release of the lining in where the fertilized egg would be implanting itself. Check out the signs of implantation - depending on your discharge could actually be experiencing one or the other but not both...from what I have read/heard of.

What happen if you saw a brownish colour discharge after menstrual and a fishy smelling odor?

brownish looking blood is usually old blood. As for the smell there is usually odor with your menstrual cycle, however it could mean a bacterial infection. If it persists follow up with you doctor. There are creams that can fix this problem.

When a young girl discharge in her panties everyday what thet mean?

Sometimes it is just from the food she eats but it could also means her hormones are really kicking in, and if she's not too young she could be coming close to the point of starting her menstrual cycle.

What causes a yogurt like vaginal discharge?

vaginal discharge is normal during your menstrual cycle. in the beginning and end of your cycle it is thick and white. if it has a different color like yellow or green or if there is a bad odor accompanying it, you should see a doctor. also, if there is any itching it could mean you have a yeast infection.

Can sperm be present in a woman after a menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle of a woman, from ovulation through to menstruation then through to ovulation again - sperm can remain in the vagina at any stage of the menstrual cycle. Although it's only during the fertile phase, around a week before ovulation, when sperm could swim up through into the uterus, otherwise it will remain in the vaginal canal and be flushed out along with discharge.

What is the antonym for hungry?

For food, the opposite is "not hungry." It could have the opposites full, satisfied, satiated, or stuffed.For other hungers, the opposite of hungry could be indifferent, or disinterested.

What does I'm so hungry i could eat a cow mean?

This saying is a Hyperbole or exaggeration of how hungry you are, you are so hungry you could a whole cow, but physically that would be impossible.

Is it bad if you miss your menstrual?

You could be pregnant.

I have had a brown gooey discharge for about a week now and then today there was a little blood in it and I just got off my period a week ago could this be a sign of a std or pregnancy?

It could be, though the chances of those are highly unlikely. Most-likely the discharge is brown due to left over blood or spotting after your period. There are many factors that can lead to having irregular menstrual symptoms, stress being one of them.

What does white pus like discharge from a inverted nipple mean?

A white pus discharge from any nipple in a man is very serious because it could be a tumor. The discharge may not be pus and could be normal discharge if from a woman. Although, if it is pus, it could be a sign of breast cancer.

Does the flu shot affect you menstrual cycle?

it could, but usually, no. 8 out of 10 chance it will not affect your menstrual cycle