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Well, I for one don't believe in the whole Aries, Taurus, Scorpio stuff. If you're falling apart, it's probably from something that went wrong between you two. If you can figure out what it is that is pulling you apart. You can counteract it. Just try to work it out together. No one else can really fix your relationships.

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14y ago

If your relationship is falling apart, chances are it is for some other reason than the stars being in an unfavorable alignment. Or to quote Shakespeare, the fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings. (Yes, Shakespeare actually said that.) This girl may be doing something that bothers you, or you may be doing something that bothers her, or perhaps one of you is failing to do something that the other believes is a necessary part of the relationship, or perhaps all of the above are going on, and if you talk to her you can find our what is bothering her and devise some appropriate remedy. Perhaps she would like you to take out the garbage. Solution: take out the garbage. You cannot change the stars, but you can change your own behavior. And she can change hers. For people who truly care about each other, it is worth the trouble to make the relationship work. And if it is not worth the trouble, then the relationship won't work and you might as well break up.

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Q: You are dating an Aries girl and you are Leo and as time moves on you are falling apart so what should you do to keep the relationship strong?
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