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You could, but if you've used your Birth Control properly the chance/risk is very small.

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Q: You are on birth control and you are 1 day late could you be pregnant?
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What if i take my birth control late because i want to get pregnant can i?

If you want to get pregnant, it makes more sense to stop birth control.

Is it possible to be 2 months late?

yes it is... It may be due to birth control pills or hormones.. I would take a text just incase as you could be pregnant.

Could being on an anti-depressant cause your period to be late or not come at all?

Any medication could affect your body in that way. Are you on birth control? If so, it could be that. Birth control can sometimes make your period be late or not come at all. If your concerned at all with the slightest possibility that you could be pregnant then take a home test or see your doctor asap. If you are pregnant you don't want to be taking medication like anti-depressants, it could cause problems. Good Luck!

Im on birth control im 14 years old and your period is 4 days late?

your pregnant

Could you be pregnant if your period is four days late and you always use the pullout method at lest twice a day or more almost every day?

You shouldn't be using withdrawal in the first place, because it's NOT birth control - and yes, you could be pregnant!

Could you be pregnant if you are 5 days late and have pregnancy symptoms and two pregnancy test came out negative?

It's very possible. But your period could also be late to a number of things; Pregnancy, a new birth control, stress.. and so on. I wish you the best of luck.

Can skipping birth control make you pregnant?

Yes. All you have to do is skip one pill or take it too late that day.

Would a doctor ever prescribe birth control to a pregnant woman?

I guess he is a little to late, maybe for next year.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you always take your pill late?

It depends how "late" - if you miss taking pills from a new packet, yes you could become pregnant.

Can stopping birth control a month ago make you late on your next period?

When your body stops getting the hormones from the pill you could make you late. The pills trick you into being pregnant so when you stop taking them it confuses your body. Though if you are more than a week late I suggest taking a pregnancy test because you may be pregnant.

Could you be pregnant if your boyfriend wore a condom and your period is late now?

there is always a possibility that you could get pregnant. since you said boyfriend maybe you should consider not having sex. even the most popular birth control methods are not 100% accurate. they have the day after pill if you are worried. mamadebbie

Is it possible to get pregnant starting your pills a week late.?

It's possible to get pregnant even while on birth control pills. Not taking them on time greatly increases your chance of pregnancy.