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I have two children and with both i expienced some cramping. My Dr. called them growing pains. It all depends on how far along you are and how bad the cramps hurt. you may want to get an ultrasound to make sure the baby is okay. If you are not bleeding this is a good sign. Get with your doctor ad make sure it is not a tubal prgnancy also. Good luck.

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Q: You are pregnant and have cramping in your right ovary What could be the cause?
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Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

Can clomid cause slight cramping near the ovary region right after taking it and the cramping remains till the 5th last pill?

Of course! Since Clomid is meant to stimulate ovulation, you may have cramping near the ovaries.

Is it possible to twist an ovary?

Yes it is. That is called ovarian torsion and can become a medical emergency. Typically, cysts are what cause this. The weight of a large ovarian cyst could cause an ovary to twist. If it twists a lot, the blood supply to the ovary could become compromised, and the ovary may start to die through the process known as gangrene. Then blood poisoning could result.

Could you be pregnant if your breast are tender and you have mild cramping and your lower and upper back hurts?

It could possibly mean that. I can tell when I am ovulating because I will get a sharp pain on one side where my ovary is. It should alternate sides each month. But everyone is different. You might possible have endometriosis. I used to have period cramps everyday for a year...I found out that I had endometriosis. I a little!

Is it possible to get pregnant with just one ovary left if theres an opening?

As long as you have a functioning ovary and a uterus, then yes, you can get pregnant.

What could pain in the right ovary and slight cramping for about 4-5 weeks mean?

if you are cramping only on one side of your adomen you need to see your physician immediately or go to the er, one sided cramping is a sign of a tubal or ectopic pregnancy which can be life threatening if not treated and found soon enough

Will the woman get pregnant if her one ovary is broken?

If the other ovary is still functional then yes. It may take longer to become pregnant but it is not imposable.

What happens if you have a tumor on your ovary?

she's pregnant

Is pregnancy possible without an ovary?

As long as you have at least one functioning ovary left you can get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant after having an ovary removed because of a ovarian cyst?

Yes, if you still have the other ovary. Girls are born with two ovaries, both of which produce eggs. So if you still have the other ovary, you can definitely become pregnant.

What does ovary pain or a swollen ovary during your period mean?

It is probably just a period symptom, but if it gets very painful, you need to go and speak to a doctor or go to hospital because it could be a cyst or ectopic pregnancy, if there is a chance you could be pregnant

If I'm not regular what are my chances of still getting pregnant?

Irregular periods can be caused by many things. in order to find out you chances of pregnancy, you need to investigate the cause of the irregularity. it could be Polycycstic Ovary Syndrome, which can be treated quite easily.