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The story is being told with an omniscient narrator, who has knowledge of all the events and characters' thoughts, even those that are not revealed to the characters until later in the story.

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Q: You are reading a story. The narrator knows everything about the events in the story including things that the characters do not find out until much later. What kind of narration is this story?
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What is a limitation of first-person narration?

The narrator might not be aware of the thoughts or actions of other characters.

What is the point of view of Hansel and Gretel?

The point of view in "Hansel and Gretel" is typically third person omniscient, where the narrator knows and sees everything that is happening in the story, including the thoughts and feelings of the characters.

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Which narrator is that? Narration is not related to color.

In first person narration the narrator is usually?

In first-person narration the narrator is usually a participant in the story's action.

What kind of narration is an outside observer?

An outside observer narration is known as third-person point of view. This type of narration involves the narrator telling the story from an external perspective, where they are not a character in the story but rather an observer. This allows for a broader view of the events and characters.

Which is the best explanation of ominscient narration?

Omniscient narration is a storytelling technique where the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters in the story. This narrative style provides an all-knowing perspective, giving insight into multiple characters' viewpoints and experiences. It allows the reader to have a more complete understanding of the story and its characters.

If a narrator thinks one thing and says something else to one of the other characters the narrator is considered a n?

The narrator would be considered unreliable. This type of narration can create tension and intrigue for the reader as they try to discern the truth from the narrator's perspective.

Who is an omniscient narrator and what are his narrative skills?

An omniscient narrator is a narrator who knows everything about the story, including the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. Their narrative skills include providing insights into all characters' perspectives, offering a bird's eye view of the plot, and often commenting on the events and characters in the story. They have the ability to move freely between different characters and settings to provide a comprehensive and unbiased account of the story.

What does 3rd person omnicient mean?

Third person narration means telling a story through the use of personal pronouns "he," "she," "they," etc. Therefore the narrator is not necessarily one person and the story can be told by different characters. Third person omnicient means the narrator can get into the heads of all characters and know everything happening at all points of the story, instead of sticking with the place and time that one character is occupying. In this viewpoint the narrator often is not one of the characters but just an unnamed teller of the story.

What is it called when the narrator is not in the story and that narrator can tell the reader what everyone thinks and feels?

This is known as third-person omniscient narration, where the narrator has unlimited knowledge and can reveal the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters within the story.

What type of narration is the monkey's paw subjective or objective?

The narration in "The Monkey's Paw" is mostly objective, providing a straightforward account of events without delving into characters' thoughts and feelings in depth. However, there are moments where the narrator offers some insight into the characters' emotions, adding a subjective element to the storytelling.

What is a limination of first person narration in a story?

One limitation of first person narration is that it limits the reader's perspective to only what the narrator knows or experiences, potentially missing out on other characters' insights or plot developments. Additionally, the reliability of the narrator can be questioned, as their biases or subjective viewpoint may influence the reader's interpretation of events.