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First, I think you mean that you lent some money to someone. If that's the case, I hope you had at least a written IOU or payment contract of some kind. If you didn't, then you still have a verbal agreement and you could sue the person in civil court for the amount you're owed. It will very difficult to prove if the loan was cash, but you could still win. Check with your local Clerk of the Court down at the courthouse on how to file a suit. And remember the saying, don't lend money to anyone unless you can afford to lose it forever. Remember that there is no such thing as borrow. You give something to someone don't except to get it back. Let that person know that your friendship is ending over this, tell them how diappointed you are with them and move on. * Without having significant substantiating evidence the best option to recover a debt is by a small claims suit. The filing fee is minimal and the court procedure is strictly pro se for both parties. Contact the office of the clerk of small claims court in the city or county of residence to obtain information on filing procedures.

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Q: You borrowed money to someone and said that you were getting it back and never did what should you do you I need the money?
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