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It can take little while for the worms to clear the system otherwise the worms may be resistant to the the wormer you are using. If this is the case then repeat dosing will do no good. I would talk to your vet about getting a different one.

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Q: You dewormed your 10 wk old puppy for 3 consecutive days with a dewormer and he still has them How soon can you give him more?
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Why is my dog eating plenty but still acting ravenous?

If your puppy hasn't been dewormed then please take it to the vet. A new puppy should always have a good check-up by your vet anyway. Puppies need to be dewormed and the vet will give you the correct amount of deworming medication. Also, puppies may have ravenous appetites because they grow fast, play hard and then sleep approximately every 20 minutes. If your puppy hasn't been dewormed then please take it to the vet. A new puppy should always have a good check-up by your vet anyway. Puppies need to be dewormed and the vet will give you the correct amount of deworming medication. Also, puppies may have ravenous appetites because they grow fast, play hard and then sleep approximately every 20 minutes.

Can you worm a nursing cat?

Yes a nursing female dog can be dewormed and should be dewormed. You can either take her into the Veterinarian along with a small sample of her feces to check for parasites or use a dewormer such as Nemex-2 or find the generic version of Nemex-2. It will get all roundworms & hookworms. A female can pass on internal parasites to her pups while they are in utero (still inside of her while she was pregnant). Most pups do have round worms and should be dewormed at 3-4 weeks of age, again at 6 weeks and a final one at 8 weeks. Do at least 2 wormings, 2 weeks apart, to get all the adults and then the baby round worms. Worm the Mother dog twice also, 10-14 days apart. You will have to weigh her to get an accurate weight, don't just guess. Weigh each pup too. Read the label of any dewormer you are going to use and make sure it says, safe for lactating or nursing dogs.

If you bought a Golden Retriever that is still a puppy, how should you take care of it?

How you take care of a regular puppy

What if the dog was treated two weeks prior before getting dog and dog is pooping out worms are there still eggs that are alive?

Yes. U need to have him dewormed again.

What should you do if your horse doesn't take the dewormer?

If the dewormer is in a paste, you will have better results if you first train your horse to accept the oral syringe. This is usually done by filling an empty syringe with something sweet so the horse will begin to enjoy having it put into his mouth. This is best done over a few days or weeks. When it's time to de-worm him, simply substitute the real thing for the sweet syringe. Just be sure to continue using the sweet syringe periodically so he will continue to look forward to it. Another method is to thoroughly mix the dewormer with grain. If the horse still refuses it, adding molasses to it usually works to entice him to eat it. If the horse still refuses the dewormer, your veterinarian may be able to tube worm him for you. When this happens, the veterinarian will put a tube into the horse's nose and down his throat to his stomach. The dewormer solution is then put into the tube where it goes directly into the horse's stomach. This is an old, but very accurate way to deworm your horse.

How aften do you feed a month old puppy?

A month old puppy is not weined yet. He still needs his mothers milk.

What is the average height of an 8 week old cocker spaniel puppy?

Fairly big but still puppy small rather.

Is a one yr old husky a puppy still?


When do you start basic training with your dog?

When your dog is still a puppy.

What happens if your dog is pregnant and only has one puppy and still has more to come and its been 2 hours?

The dog may still have her puppy even after two hours. You may need to call a vet if the puppy doesn't come after 3-4 hours.

What does it mean when a puppy's soft spot on the head does not close up?

It only means that the puppy is still a baby, and if it still has the soft spot, its probably just a birth mark or something!!!! Peace out me homies.

Why does a puppy tremble after eating?

If a puppy trembals it is because it is strugiling to swallow. Try giving it less food.If it still trembals then see a vet.