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If the dewormer is in a paste, you will have better results if you first train your horse to accept the oral syringe. This is usually done by filling an empty syringe with something sweet so the horse will begin to enjoy having it put into his mouth. This is best done over a few days or weeks. When it's time to de-worm him, simply substitute the real thing for the sweet syringe. Just be sure to continue using the sweet syringe periodically so he will continue to look forward to it.

Another method is to thoroughly mix the dewormer with grain. If the horse still refuses it, adding molasses to it usually works to entice him to eat it.

If the horse still refuses the dewormer, your veterinarian may be able to tube worm him for you. When this happens, the veterinarian will put a tube into the horse's nose and down his throat to his stomach. The dewormer solution is then put into the tube where it goes directly into the horse's stomach. This is an old, but very accurate way to deworm your horse.

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Q: What should you do if your horse doesn't take the dewormer?
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