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No, chocolate is generally very bad to give to your dog. You should call your vet to see what you can do to help your dog.

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Q: You fed your dog 7 bars of chocolate is this OK?
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What shoud'NT you feed a dog?

Never feed your dog chocolate esp. dark choc. It Can Kill. The special doggy treat chocolate made from Carob is ok though.

Is milk chocolate ok for a lab or boxer DOGS?

NO Never Ever give any dog chocolate. Is is poisonous to all dogs

Is it ok if your dog eats pizza crust?

if you want your dog to, then I guess it can. but No. pizza is not good for dogs to eat.

What happens if a dog eats 3 pieces of chocolate?

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, so this could be dangerous for the dog. It would depend on what type of chocolate the dog ate. Dark chocolate or chocolate with lots of cocoa in it is the most dangerous, with milk chocolate being less dangerous and white chocolate being the least dangerous. The size of the dog would also affect how dangerous it is, so if a big dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate it might be ok, while it could be very dangerous if a small dog ate 3 pieces of chocolate. The best thing to do is to keep an eye on your dog for 24 hours after he/she ate chocolate and if the dog shows signs of nausea, being wobbly or drinking a lot of water then the dog should be taken to the vet immediately.

My 5 pound dog ate 1 ounce of white chocolate will she be ok?

Your dog will probably be fine, however you should go to the vet just in case. Next time use products with carob in it for the chocolate flavor without all the harsh side affects. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate can be lethal.

What if your dog ate chicken noodle soup is she going to be ok?

She will probably throw up. Dogs are not supposed to be fed the food that we humans eat.

Will your dog be okay if it ate chocolate?

No surefire answer to that. Depends on the amount of actual cocoa in the chocolate, the size of the dog and how much it ate. Small dog + dark chocolate = likely to be trouble Big dog + milk chocolate = likely to be OK

What are chihuahua allergic to?

The most common thing they are allergic to is chocolate. Never feed your chihuahua chocolate! They could have seizures! It is OK to give your dog a little piece once in a while if they are healthy. Be warned! I hope you approved of my answer.Chocolate is bad for ALL dogs, and large amounts can kill them . NEVER feed you dog chocolate, and don't leave any laying around where they can get to it.

A diabetic dog ate a bag of dog treats earlier today and fed her at her regular time and gave her an insulin shot she's thrown up like 5 times is shegoing tobe ok?

Take it to the vet right away.

I have questions about Bars and Beer?

Ok - be more specific - what are your questions....

Your dog weighs 65 pounds is 8 months old has a sensitive stomach and ate one milk chocolate M and M will she be okay?

While chocolate can be toxic in dogs, milk chocolate is less hazardous than dark chocolate and the amount of chocolate in a single M&M is small. Given that and the size of your dog, I think she'll be OK. See the related link. If she starts acting sick, not eating or vomiting, take her to be checked out by the Vet right away.

Is white chocolate ok to give to dogs?

In a word, No. All chocolate contains theobromine, that's toxic to dogs. White chocolate contains the least while baking chocolate contains the most. It is a naturally occurring stimulate that comes from the coco bean. A teaspoon of white chocolate is unlikely to hurt a 50 lb dog. But. two squares of bakers chocolate can kill a twenty pound dog, depending on the age and health of the dog. Symptoms will include diarrhea or hyperactivity in the first few hours. Then, as the dog absorbs more there is an increase in heart rate which can cause irregular heartbeat, muscle twitching, more frequent urination, restlessness, hyperactivity, and panting. In turn, this can lead to tremors, seizures, elevated body temperature, coma, and death. If you have any doubt call your Vet or take the dog into an emergency clinic.