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If you cannot free it call for assistance. Unplug it first then if you can't remove your finger do what the first sentence says.

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Q: You got your finger stuck in an electric pencil sharpener what should you do?
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What is the thing in the pencil sharpener after you sharpen your pencil?

After a pencil is sharpened, the extra materials left in the sharpener are known as pencil shavings. These should be dumped regularly as old-school electric pencil sharpeners have been known to rarely catch on fire due to an overflow of pencil shavings in the machine.

If you need to sharpen your pencil and you dont have a pencil sharpener what should you do?

Use a knife but be careful when cutting

What kind of sharpener should I get for my knife set?

It depends if you want a manual or eletric knife sharpener. If your looking for a manual sharpener I would suggest the Wusthof 2 stage knife sharpener. This sharpener is pretty simple to use. If you want an electric sharpener the Presto pro eversharp electric knife sharpener would be a good choice.

What should you have in a pencil case?

Perhaps a pencil or two lots of colours, a sharpener and a rubber, maybe tipex. Also a pen x

Where was the first ever pencil made?

An unknown inventor, probably 2 500 years ago, in the ancient Roma. Having been lost for centuries, it was independently discovered again in the late 19th century in Nevada, USA, by Joseph Cartwright. Cartwright and his business partner, Joseph Dixon, commericalized the product by embedding it inside of wooden sticks cut from the numerous pine trees on Cartwright's ranch. The Dixon-Ticonderosa pencil was thus born and sold throughout the western United States, and it remains a strong player in the global pencil industry to this day.

What can you do when your pencil broke and you don't have a sharpener?

First off, you should check to see if it is a mechanical pencil or not. If it a regular pencil the fix will be much easier. Just find a pencil sharpener, stick the pencil in, and hold it there until it's sharp. If you don't have a sharpener, you could go to any office supplies store and buy one (prices range from $2 to $172). If you don't have a car, and can't secure a ride there, then you should pull out a pocketknife and cut back the wood surrounding the lead. If all else fails, then break the pencil in half and get a new one. If it is a mechanical pencil, the only logical fix is to get a new pencil. You can find them in the same stores as the sharpeners.

What does les crayons de couleurs mean in English?

"Les crayons de couleur" are the colouring pencils in English.

How much electricity does a electric sharpener use?

Look for the manufacture's nameplate on the device there is should tell you the wattage of the device.

How do you sharpen a pencil without a pencil shapener?

I hardly ever use a sharpener to sharpen pencils, actually, because it's hard to get a good point. Get an Exacto knife (I think that's how you spell it), and scrape off the top of the pencil equally, going all around the pencil. If you've done that, but the tip still isn't sharp enough, just scrape off the lead, not the wood underneath it. Here are some more in depth/other methods:Sharpening with a knifeA knife is the most versatile method of sharpening a pencil. It can take a little practice but it's a very useful skill to master. Make sure you cut away from yourself and preferably over a bin. With softer leads try cutting smaller bits at a time to prevent breaking.Using sand paperThis is a neat little trick that I use regularly. Try clipping a little piece of sandpaper to your drawing board and if your pencil starts getting a little blunt just run it over the paper a few times to bring the point back. This is especially useful during quick figure drawings when there is no time to get out your sharpener.Paper wrapped charcoalThis is a very neat way to sharpen charcoal pencils. Simply pull back the string a little then peel off a roll of paper. The best thing about this method is you are left with the 'bullet point' style of sharpened pencil, very nice!ScissorsYou could also use scissors. Just simply grab any scissors (any kind) then just cut until it's sharp. I have tried this myself and it can get very sharpYou can use a knife but a sharpener is bestYou can use a pocket knife (or any sharp carving knife, for that matter) to define the point of a pencil. Although, achieving a good point is difficult, so a sharpener is preferred.Use a knife. It works.

When a child should hold pencil?

Most children are developmentally ready to hold a pencil properly around the age of 3 or 4. They should be able to use the tripod grasp, where the pencil is held between the thumb and index finger while resting on the middle finger. This grasp allows for better control and precision while writing or drawing.

How often should I clean and maintain my serrated knife sharpener?

Your serrated knife sharpener should be cleaned after each use to ensure that there are no particulates left on the sharpener that can scratch or dull the blades.

Do I need a separate electric knife sharpener?

Before going out and spending extra money, you should at least give the one you have a try. It might work quite well. If you try it, and don't like how well it worked, then buying a separate sharpener would be your next option.