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No, I don't think so. Sorry. The numbers should double every 36-72 hours-ish. And anything 5 and under is considered negative, so I think it probably headed that way.

You aren't alone though. All we can do is keep trying.

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Q: You had a positive pregnancy test the HCG level was 30 you began to bleed only a very small amount then had another test and your HCG level was only 6 could you still be pregnant?
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On Monday I did two clear-blue tests faint but positive today did digital clear-blue which says not pregnant?

If you got a positive you are pregnant. These is no such thing as a false positive. Another pregnancy test may give you a negative because it requires a larger amount of HCG to be detected before it will read positive. This is especially true for digital tests. So, congratualations.

Can you not be pregnant even though test is positive?

Answer: If the pregnancy test is positive, then you are 100% pregnant. It will detect any amount of the human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at it's minimal detection limit. There are no false positives in pregnancy tests. That being said.... however, it is possible to have a chemical pregnancy of which the embryo has started to implant but stopped. It will be reabsorbed back into your uterus and will be shed when the menstrual cycle does begin. The minimal amount of HCG that can typically be detected by urine home tests is 25 mIU/ml. So... technically yes, until the levels drop back below the minimal amount you will test as positive for pregnancy even though you are not.

Can melatonin give you a false positive on a pregnancy test?

See this answer: "No, melatonin would not give a false positive result on a pregnancy test, however melatonin does increase the amount of the hormone which pregnancy testing kits look for if you are pregnant so you may get a true positive earlier than normally possible. Many pregnancies are rejected by the body very early in development. " Source: Can melatonin give you a false positive pregnancy test reading

Can melatonin give you a false positive pregnancy test reading?

No, melatonin would not give a false positive result on a pregnancy test, however melatonin does increase the amount of the hormone which pregnancy testing kits look for if you are pregnant so you may get a true positive earlier than normally possible. Many pregnancies are rejected by the body very early in development.

I am one and a half weeks late for my period and can I be pregnant and not know having taken 2 tests with one positive and one negative?

Hi there. Yes it does indeed sound like you are pregnant. You most likely got the negative pregnancy test because you did the test when there wasn't a sufficent amount of HCG in your urine or because you used a different brand of test which isn't very reliable. You need to see your doctor sweetheart for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy. You will ONLY get a positive test when HCG has been detected in your urine and HCG is only produced during pregnancy. See your doctor for a QUANTITATIVE BETA HCG blood test. This will confirm the pregnancy. Best Wishes.

Can pregnancy test will positive 2 days before your last period?

A pregnancy test can test positive 2 days before you are supposed to have your period however, you will have a low amount of HCG (the hormone the test identifies) at that time and you still may be pregnant even with a negative est. It is best to wait a few days after your missed period and then test with the first urination of the day.

Is it possible to be 6 weeks late on your period and have two faintly positive home test and still not be pregnant?

No! Thea amount of hormone in our body is early at this time because of your stage of pregnancy, but any kind of even fantly positive result means the hormone is there, and thus, you are definitely pregant.

5 weeks pregnant had a period and now your pregnancy test is negative am you still pregnant?

You may of had a miscarriage hun. See your doctor for a Quantitative beta hcg pregnancy blood test. This test will measure the amount of HCG in your blood and determine if you're pregnant.

Can you know if you are pregnant after 15 days of conception?

Results are not considered accurate after that amount of time has elapsed. After 10 minutes it is said to disregard all results. If you still think you could be pregnant, then take another one in 3 days preferably with your first morning urine.

Can a clear blue go from not pregnant to pregnant?

If you're asking how it detects pregnancy, it does so by having a chemical dye that reacts with the hormones that are present when pregnant. If you're asking how it gives a negative result and then later gives a positive result, that is due to the test chemicals reacting differently with time. After a certain amount of time has passed (3-5 minutes, read the directions), the test is no longer good and any results should be discarded. Any questions, get another test.

If your pregnant will it show up in a drug screen?

No. Pregnancy tests measure the amount of a specific hormone (HCG) that is produced by the embryo once fertilization takes place. Drug tests do not test for this hormone. Also, you CAN get a false negative pregnancy test but almost NEVER a false positive. HCG only exists when there is an embryo maufacturing it.

What is the daily amount of protein that should be consumed by 135 lb woman during pregnancy?

You are pregnant eat whatever you want