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It could have been. It certainly sounds like it could have been. I would speak to your Doctor Who can give you more information

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Q: You had all the pregnancy symptoms and I was thinking I was pregnant but after moving my furniture I had a heavy bleeding for 5 days then 7 days later I get my regular period was this a miscarriage?
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Are you having a miscarriage if there's no bleeding?

If your not bleeding then your pregnant if you start bleeding in your pregnancy it's a miscarriage

If a women is bleeding and you have taken a pregnancy test is it possible she is still pregnant?

She may have had a miscarriage

How do you know if you misscarried if you dont know your pregnant?

You don't.A miscarriage is diagnosed when a pregnant woman has bleeding and cramping. Checking the levels of HCG (the pregnancy hormone) and seeing it decline rather than rise is evidence that the bleeding is a miscarriage.But if the woman has bleeding but never has a pregnancy test then ther eis no way to know if it is a miscarriage.

Can you get pregnant while slightly bleeding from a miscarriage?

No you can't get pregnant while slighty bleeding fro a miscarriage!

Is having your period while pregnant a myth?

Not exactly. Some women have bleeding in the first month of two of pregnancy, but it is not technically a period. Also, if you have heavy bleeding during pregnancy, you might actually be having a miscarriage.

Had a missed miscarriage Lots of cramping without any bleeding Pregnancy test is reading faded but still pregnant What can you do to flush out the pregnancy hormone?

There is NO such thing as a "missed miscarriage". You're either "pregnant" or "not pregnant". You can have a threatened miscarriage, but not a missed one. You cannot "flush out" pregnancy hormones; in fact, drinking lots of water only dilutes the urine more.Go to a doctor for a blood test and exam. These will be the most reliable.

I have had all the symptoms of a miscarriage. was it a miscarriage?

Only your Doctor can truly answer this question. Was you definitely pregnant and was it confirmed by pregnancy test or blood test? If you are/was pregnant and you are now experiencing bleeding, abdominal cramping etc, you should go to A & E, Early Pregnancy Unit or contact your Doctor immediately.

If you had a miscarriage two months ago is it normal that you're still bleeding if you didn't have a D and C?

No it isn't normal to continue bleeding two months after a miscarriage. Do a pregnancy test to find out if your still pregnant. HCG will be gone from your urine now and the test will be negative if your not pregnant. Also contact your doctor about the bleeding. You may have part of the fetus left inside of you which is causing the bleeding.

How do you kno if you having a miscarriage but didn't know you were pregnant?

It could of been a chemical pregnancy it means your positive for pregnancy yet then you bleed the egg fertilizes but does not inplant hence the bleeding. I may have been a miscarriage Most don't know their pregnant being so early in it they mistake it for a period.

What if you have a miscarriage and didnt know but got pregnant again?

Then you would have a new pregnancy. If you feel that this has happened or if you are having any bleeding during pregnancy you should contact your Dr right away.

Cramping and bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant?

Answer If ur cramping and bleeding at 5 weeks pregnant it could be two things: a miscarriage or you thought that you were pregnant and you were just really REALLY late. IF CONFIRMED PREGNANCY, CALL DOC IMMEDIATELY OR GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM.

Can you have a miscarriage at five months pregnant?

You can have a miscarriage through out the pregnancy for different reasons.